Chapter 2

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Liams P.O.V

"Ok boys, i have a few rules that i'd like to talk about with you regarding my sister." I announced.

Harry turned to look at me and laughed. "Ok daddy, what are they?" He joked. 

"First off, don't bring up my dad or my family. If she brings it up, change the subject. I want her to forget all negative things. Second, if she's at a party with us, don't let her get smashed, she can't handle being that drunk. Lastly, don't touch her inapropriately, kiss her, start liking her, flirt with her, anything like that." 

Harry turned around once again and gave me a look. "Mate, who do you think we are, we're not into Holly like that are we Zayn?" He winked.

"Course not." Zayn replied.

I was clearly missing something.

 "Bit of an overprotective brother aren't you Liam?" Louis broke the silence.

"No, i just need to make up for all the times i wasnt there for her and i need to make sure she never gets hurt again." I added just before we pulled up beside our apartment complex. 

Hollys P.O.V

"Holly, wake up." I heard as i realized i was being lightly shaken by Louis. We were here, finally in London. Away from my miserable life. 

I stepped out of the car and pulled my bag out of the back. 

"Here, i've got it" Zayn told me as he took my bag out of my grip.

"Thank you" i smiled and started walking towards the building. 

Zayn put his free arm around my shoulder. "So Holly, how have you been?" He asked as i put my arm around his waist. 

"I've been miserable without my 5 favorite boys, and you?"  

"I've been amazing, the tour was so much fun, i'll tell you all about it later and i'm sure you'll pick up on our inside jokes." Zayn said. 

I laughed and followed Liam into his apartment. 

"NIALL!" i screamed as i jumped on him. 

"HOLLY!" He added catching me.

"We're gonna order pizza, any preferences?" Harry questioned me. 

"Nope, i'm down for whatever." i replied smiling. 

"Oh really?" Zayn winked at me while smiling. 

He was so good looking. But he was also my friend, and there was no way i could like Zayn like that. 

"No, you perv." I shot back laughing and pushing him. 

Liam shot Zayn a glare and i assumed that he had told them to back off me already. I already had a boyfriend, it's not like i was going to do anything anyway. 

Zayn immediately walked away from me and sat on the sofa. 

Zayns P.O.V

Holly is here. Liams sister who i've always been just friends with was sitting accross from me. I've just always had feelings for her if im honest but i could never act upon them because Liam would chop my dick off. I loved everything about her, the way she makes people feel good even though she is having a bad day herself, the way she knows how to joke around and her selflessness. All the qualities i look for in a girl. But she's Liams sister and she is off limits.

Niall, Louis, and Harry went back to their own apartments leaving just me, Liam and Holly. 

"I should unpack, get it out the way." Holly announced. 

"i'll help" I smiled. I was using this oppertunity to really talk to Holly. 

We walked into the bedroom and she lifted her bag onto the bed. I pulled the zip on my side and opened the suitcase. 

She began to lift her clothes out in piles and place them messily into the wardrobe. After taking out a few things, i spotted a teddy bear. I took it out and gave her a look.

"Really Holly? How old are you?" I joked.

"I am sixteen and you can never be too old for teddy bears, ok?" She pouted.

Her light brown hair was straight and moved with her everytime she turned her head.

We were down to the last few things and i noticed a pack of cigarettes in one of the pockets of the bag. I decided not to ask anything right now, i didn't want to get into that on the first day she was here.

We had a long talk about the tour and her friends. I asked about her boyfriend but she almost seemed as if she was trying to hide something. Maybe she just felt awkward talking about it with me, who knows?

We finished packing and she pulled the bag onto the floor and looked at me.

"You can get out now." She joked and i laughed as i pushed her back onto the bed. She immediately got up and tried to tackle me and we both ended up on the bed wrestling and laughing. 

I suppose we were being a bit too loud because at that moment, Liam walked in to see me on top of his sister. 

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