Chapter 8

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Holly's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a huge headache. I slowly pulled myself out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was everywhere and my hair was tangled with mud. I can't believe Zayn saw what happened. I honestly hate my life, now i had to explain otherwise he'd tell Liam. 

I turned on the shower and peeled off my clothes from the party. I disgust myself. 

Zayn's P.O.V

I was sitting in Liam's apartment playing xbox with him, secretely waiting for Holly to get up. I heard the shower turn on and planned out in my head what I was going to say to her. 

-------- AN HOUR LATER--------

She walked into the room with sweats and a white v-neck shirt. Her hair was still wet from the shower and she looked beautiful. Much better than how she looked last night.

"Hi Zayn, Hi Liam." She said. 

"How was your night?" Liam said while laughing. He actually believed my story that she just got too drunk.

"I dont remember." Holly replied while rubbing her head. "Do you have advil or something, Li?"

"Yeah, Zayn knows where it is, he'll get it for you." Liam replied, engrossed in the game he was playing. 

I walked into the kitchen with Holly behind me.

"So, you gonna tell me?" I asked while reaching in the medicine cupboard.

"Not here." Holly replied quietly. 

"I know a place, no one will look for us there and no one will hear." I assured her and she nodded her head in approval. 

"Liam, we're going to... uh, we're going-" She stuttered thinking of what to say. 

"Im taking her to that really good coffee shop, she needs some caffeine." I yelled to the other room. 

"Okay, good luck, the paparrazi are gonna follow you." Liam laughed and as we went to leave, Holly told me she would be right back and ran into her room. 

Holly's P.O.V

I needed to go get my cigarrettes. I was trying to quit because if Liam saw me, he'd have a fit, but at that moment, there was nothing i wanted more than a smoke. Zayn smokes too so he'd understand. 

I grabbed the half empty pack, shoved it in my boot and ran back to Zayn. 

"So where is this place?" I asked, hoping it was close. 

"Just follow me." He replied. "And don't tell anyone about this. It's kind of my place, ya know?" 

"Of course." I smiled. 

He stopped at the end of the hallway. 

"Uhm, Zayn, this isn't a very secret place." I laughed and he touched the wall until he found a gap. 

He pulled out the board and climbed through the hole in the wall. He turned to me and put out his hand for me to hold while i climbed in. 

"I can do it myself." I told him, being stubborn. I climbed in through the large hole and looked around. It was a small, dusty, metal staircase. 

"Well isn't this lovely" I said looking at Zayn. 

"You're stupid, obviously this isn't the place." He laughed and pulled me up the stairs. At the top of the stairs there was a large door. Zayn pushed it revealing the fact that we were on the roof. 

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