[44]: An Unexpected Heartbreak

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I felt like I couldn't breath through my tears as soon as my back pressed against the door. Why did he have to ruin my last night here? Why the fuck did he just try and...why?

"Maddie?"Fern says slowly, appearing out of her room followed by the girls.The music that was blasting out of the TV was immediately switched off leaving an awkward silence to fill the room.

I lookup at them and all rush over to me.

"Babe what the hell just happened?" Sabrina asked pulling me into a tight hug

"Charlie...he...he"I attempted to say through breaking down into tears in Sabrina's arms.

"What the fuck did he do?" Robyn shouted pulling me from Sabrina's hug.

"He was here. He kissed me; he wouldn't let me go...he was feeling me up...and he tried to...he tried to touch me."

"He did what?" Fern asked moving my hair away from my face. "Speak slower babe. What happened?"

"Charlie..he-he just tried to...to r-" I say and the girls jaws drop. "But I didn't cheat on Blake. I didn't...I promise. I didn't want him touching me." I cried clinging onto her.

"We know you wouldn't cheat on him...we know. Shhh you're safe now, calm down. He can't hurt you. We've got you. Breathe. Shhhh." she says soothing me but I was borderline hysterical.

"He did what?" Fern shouted angrily this time, pushing past us to the door, yanking it open looking for Charlie. "I'm going to kill him."

"He's gone." She replied coming back in a few seconds later, locking the door behind her.

"Good."I cried still hugging Robyn as she tried to calm me down.

"We came out here after the door knocked and you were gone, so we just figured Blake had come early and you'd left. We didn't know it was Charlie, we didn't hear anything with this stupid music being on so loud. You know we would have come and got you if we had realised it was him." Sabrina sighed rubbing her hand up and down my arm.

"I know, it's not your fault." I sniffed finally pulling away from Robyn.

"I need to see Blake. I need him. What time is it? He said he'd be here at six." I asked sniffing whilst wiping my fingers under my eyes to remove my smudged make-up.

"It's twenty past babe. He must be running late." Fern smiled grabbing my hand. "Come on let's sit down and calm you down a minute okay.Something huge just happened to you."

"I'm okay, he didn't manage to do anything...he just kissed me. I'm okay, I just need Blake."

"Okay,well let just sit here and have a drink okay." She says bringing me to sit down on the sofa.


"And let's get your make up fixed before he gets here, then we can go and enjoy our last night here."

"You're right." I smiled sitting down as Sabrina passes me a drink. With shaky hands I take it from her and take a large gulp.

"When we get home and if I see that fucking twat he's gonna get it I swear" Robyn says sitting down next to me with my make-up bag.

"He should stay away from me now...seeing as I threatened him with calling the police if he came near me again. I don't want to ever see him, I can't believe what he just did."

"I guess he's not the Charlie we all thought he was."

"I guess not."

"Well for his sake...I hope he got the memo of backing the hell away from you, because he's a dead man if any of us see him." Sabrina smiles removing my makeup before applying it again.

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