[12]: Battle of the Sexes - Round 1

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We get up off the sun loungers and head back to our rooms. I jumped in the shower first because 'apparently' I take the longest to get ready.

I wrapped my towel around me and headed out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, popping my towel on the side and stepped into the shower, looking at all the knobs. What the hell do I press to get it to turn on?

I pushed one button and knobs began twirling around making me giggle, okay that didn't work. I pushed another and they moved up and down, okay that didn't work either. I pushed the next button and the water began trickling out of the top shower head, still not fast though.

Who knew having a shower would be so hard. I pushed the last button and water squirted out of all of the shower heads.

"Ahh!" I screamed. I didn't expect that at all.

"You okay in there?" Robyn shouted knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'm fine, just the shower squirted water at me quickly, didn't expect it." I laughed

"Okay..." She laughed "That is what showers tend to do though babe."


I washed my hair and did what I needed to do before getting out and wrapping the towel around me. My chest was slightly red from the sun this afternoon, it would be tanned by tomorrow, I tan very quickly and hardly burn thankfully.

I slipped on my bright pink trainer socks and unlocked the bathroom door. I walked through the living room towards my bedroom, "showers free!" I shout and Sabrina, Robyn and Fern all run towards the bathroom. Sabrina got there first, locking the door behind her. I just stood there laughing at them.

"Why do you have socks on?" Robyn asked staring at my feet.

"Keeps my nice clean feet from getting dirty when I'm walking around after having a shower to clean them." I grin

"Ahh good idea." Fern grinned

"So what time are we meeting up with Cris later?" Robyn asked

"I text her before, she said to meet her at The Rainbow Room at about midnight. We're on the guest list."

"I can't wait, not seen her in ages. She always gets us the best cocktails." Fern smiled

"I know. Gona be a great night." I replied before walking into my room and began getting ready.

I slipped on my underwear before applying after sun to my body. I loved the smell of it, just made me think of sunshine and family holidays from when I was younger.

I put my phone into the docking station and Nicki Minaj - Superbass began booming out the speakers as I began drying my hair.

Having long, thick hair can be such a pain at times, times like these I'm having right now. Like trying to dry my hair, it takes forever. I finally turned off my hair dryer then began straightening my hair. Thank god for air con otherwise I'd be sweating my arse off.

Once I'd straightened my hair, I walked over to my wardrobe and tried to decide on what to wear. I decided on a skin tight coral bodycon dress, it was quite short but not short enough that I would end up flashing my knickers at everyone.

I backcombed the top of my hair and pinned it up, leaving my side fridge down before I put it into a French plait and pinned it up in my hair. I curled the bottom bits of my hair and back combed them before starting on my make-up.

I put my camera, phone, room key, lipstick and liner, and a couple of condoms into my bag. The lads at home call me a slag for doing it but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I wasn't planning on using them tonight but you never know what situation you could end up in or if one of your girls would need them. So I carry them with me, also it's the twenty first century, guys don't need to be the ones always carrying protection.

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