[18]: Behind Closed Doors

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I turned in his arms and crushed my lips onto his. Within seconds our tongues were battling one another's for dominance, Blake obviously taking control. My hands were tangled in his hair as Blake's were gripping my hips. I was vaguely aware that we were moving backwards...well I was moving backwards. Then I felt something hard against my back. I pulled away panting as did Blake, and realised that I was now pushed up against the wall of the club beside the dance floor. I could feel the alcohol slushing around my system making all my inhibitions disappear. My hands were all over Blake like a rash, his were no better. His lips were now pecking down my neck until he reached that sensitive spot at the bottom of my neck. An involuntary moan left my lips, as my body curved into his.

Blake's hands were quickly running up my thighs but stopping as he reached the hem of my dress, causing my breathing to quicken.

"I know we said we'd take things slow..." Blake panted down my ear before I pulled his lips back onto mine for another kiss. "So if you want to stop you'll have to tell me because I don't think I have the self control."

"Slow is good..." I whisper against his lips and I saw him deflate slightly before I finished my sentence. "...but fast is better."

A cheeky grin spread across his face and I knew he was thinking along the same lines as I was... "Come back to mine." he whispers down my ear.

"My hotel is closer." I grin and he nods smiling. He pushed his lips back onto mine before slipping his tongue in...every kiss between us seemed to get hotter and hotter.

He linked his fingers through mine as we swiftly make our way through the crowd and out of the club. I didn't even tell the girls we were leaving. They'd realise I'd left and who with when they couldn't find me. As soon as we got outside we jumped into the nearest available taxi and gave him the address to my hotel. All the way there we were kissing one another, grabbing at each other's clothing, the sexual tension between us was nearing unbearable. I kind of felt sorry for the driver to see us all over each other in the back on his car...well only for about two seconds before Blake started kissing me again and any sympathy vanished.

After what felt like hours, but in reality was about five minutes, we arrived at my hotel pushing and pulling each other out of the taxi.

Blake threw some money at the driver before he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and we walked into the hotel then into the lift. As the doors closed he began kissing my neck, his hands roaming over my body, thank god we were alone in here. We got to the sixth floor and practically ran down the corridor till we reached my room. I fiddled with the key until it opened and we walked inside, the door locking behind us.

"Wow, nice suite." he says glancing around. His chin resting on my shoulder as his arms circled my waist.

"You want a drink?" I ask, the alcohol I'd condumed earlier was wearing off and I was slightly nervous now he was here. I doubt I was as experienced as he was. And I wanted him to have a good time...to enjoy himself with me.

"Sure, if you want one, but I'd rather have you though." he whispered down my ear, his hands stroking my sides.

"Perv." I laugh, then he began kissing down my neck, I closed my eyes and bit down on my lip.

"Only on you baby." He whispered, "Only on you."

"Good." I replied turning around and pushing my lips against his, he slipped his tongue in as it began getting passionate. He slower started backing me into the living room, as he began dropping kisses onto my neck.

"Which room's yours?" he mumbled as his lips got lower.

I took his hand and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me.

"Nice room." he smiled as we backed up to the bed, kicking my shoes off as does Blake.

I felt my calves hit the edge and I fell back onto it, pulling Blake down on top of me. We shimmed up the bed so that my head was on the pillow, Blake was leaning on his hands on top of me.

"You're beautiful." he whispers before bringing his head closer to mine and kissing me. "You don't have to say that you know." I reply after pulling away "You've already got me here on the bed."

"Maddie, I'm serious. I think you are gorgeous." he smiles so sweetly making me blush.

He lifts my chin up with his finger, now leaning on his elbows, his body on top of me. "I meant what I said, I really like you and where this is going."

"Me too. I really like you as well Blake."

"We don't have to go any further you know...just because we're here on your bed doesn't mean we have to do anything. Kissing you right now is like nothing else...so if that's all we do that's fine by me. I don't want to rush you."

If I didn't have feelings for him before tonight, I certainly did now. That was the sweetest thing any lad had ever said to me.

"I know...and thank you. But if I said 'if we don't go further right now, I'd explode from sexual frustration'...what would you say?" I smiled cheekily.

"I'd say I'd have to do something about that." He grins at me lowering his lips to my ear "It's not healthy to be sexually frustrated."

"It really isn't." I smile kissing him again.

"'Thank you for not rushing me...but right now I need your assistance with something." I grin

"I'm more than happy to help out."

*For the R Rated scene check out my R-Rated chapters on my profile or click the external link*

When he was finished, I began kissing slowly back up his body. Blake sat up, his back against my pillows as he lifted up me up, sitting on his lap before kissing me. His hands slowly reached behind my neck, about to undo my dress. I felt my dress loosen as he unclipped it, pulling the straps down revealing my chest. I saw him bite his lip as my dress lay around my waist. His hands began wandering over my breasts as I kissed him again, making it passionate instantly.

Just then the door burst open...


So...I know you hate me for leaving cliff hangers, but hehe, I do love them :)

And as it's been a few days since I updated, I'll post the next chapter later on tonight!

So...what do you think?

Do we like Blake?

Are him and Maddie rushing into things?

Who's interrupting them?

*Thank you @charlotte_macxk for the lovely banner*

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