[23]: Teasing Texts

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Me and the girls were two weeks into our holiday now and we were having the time of our lives; and our tans was coming on a treat, well apart from Fern and her broken arm.

A couple of days ago we spent the day at San Diego Zoo, we managed to book onto a last minute cheap flight down from L.A. and we were there within the hour. It was so cool going around a completely different zoo than what you're used to back home, seeing different animals you never thought you'd get to see. We did get a few odd looks when we flew back though, seeing as we'd had our faces painted earlier.

And we'd spent today being tourists. We walked past the Grauman's Chinese Theatre where the movie stars have their hand and foot prints on the floor outside and went to The Hollywood Walk of Fame. We looked like right tourists taking pictures with the famous stars on the floor. But then again I'm sure the regular folk round here are used to it. Having lunch at The Hard Rock Café was a highlight for me, I'd always wanted to go, but I just couldn't get over how big the portion food size was, they were massive. I was having so much fun in L.A. with my girls; I really didn't even want to think about going home yet.

I was also constantly in touch with Blake, it seemed like whenever we weren't together, we were texting or phoning one another. That boy had me seriously hooked. I don't even know what he was doing, but whatever it was it was drawing me in like a moth to a flame, I couldn't keep away.

We'd been on two more dates in the past couple of days and each time he was a perfect gentleman, and sticking by his word of taking things slow between us. Taking me for a romantic picnic on the beach at sunset and walking me to my room, kissing me goodnight; and last night we ended up going out for a lovely dinner and then dancing the night away whilst getting beyond drunk. Luckily the other lads were out as well because we were in no fit state to get home alone. Both times Blake insisted on walking me to my room and leaving me at my door and kissing me goodnight. But the more time I spent with Blake, the more I needed to see him again; it wasn't just a want anymore.

I didn't plan to meet anyone out here - this wasn't what this holiday was about - but that's exactly what happened. I met a gorgeous, amazing guy, who turned out to be a famous singer who I'd been crushing on since I saw him on TV a few years prior. And I knew deep down I was getting feelings for this boy that I know I shouldn't be getting.

I get that he's single and needs female attention, what lad doesn't? And I guess I'm that female attention he's feasting on right now. So I need to control my emotions, I can't let myself fall for him...well, not fall for him even more than I already have.

What would I do when I go home and he's still over here...no doubt finding another girl to keep him company....

No, I wasn't going to dwell on what happens when I leave, I've still got another two weeks with him yet. I wanted to, really wanted to see where we could take this but I wasn't getting my hopes up. That way they couldn't get smashed to smithereens when nothing happened. I mean, he's a player right? Doesn't have long term girlfriends...

"Mads where's your head at?" Robyn asked me as we got back to our room.

"What you mean?" I reply plonking myself down on the sofa.

"You've totally blanked out on what we were just talking about." She laughed

"Really?" I laughed pulling my phone out my bag, feeling it vibrate. "Sorry"

[Hey beautiful, having a break from the studio today and thinking of you. How's your day been? xxx]

A huge grin appeared on my face as I read the message, totally blanking out the girls again.

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