[17]: Dirty Dancing

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"Please?" he asked again and I nodded moving into our booth, slightly closer to him. He slid my cocktail closer to me and sighed.

"I'm so sorry."

"Who is she?" I asked staring at my drink.

"I'm not quite sure exactly..." he mumbled

"What?" I ask confused

"As soon as I stood at the bar she came over and practically threw herself at me."

"I saw that." I said quickly, and he shook his head.

"Anyway, she was going on about how she was a professional dancer out here in L.A. but used to live in the UK and knows all about me and the boys."

"Well you seemed to be enjoying the attention she was giving you from where I was sat."

"At first I was polite, seeing as she's a fan. I'm nice to all our fans, but when she bumped up the flirting and went all touchy feely on me, I told her she was out of line."

I took a sip of my drink and glanced up to him. "She was going on about how she was going to be one of the girls in our new music video we're filming out here and couldn't wait to see me again. But I swear babe, I told her to back off and that I was here with someone, not that she seemed too bothered by that."

I sighed and dared to look into his gorgeous brown eyes, they were pleading with me to believe him. Slowly, he took my hands in his and moved closer to me "I really like you Maddie...and where this is going for us. Please don't let her ruin our night and what we have."

"And what is it that we have Blake?" I reply, admitting to myself that he was telling the truth. His eyes told me more than what his words could.

"Maddie we have something...I can feel it and I know you do as well. We have that spark...that connection. I can see this being something great..."

"Yeah me too." I smiled up at him making him grin.

"You believe me?"

"I do...she seemed to be up to no good. I'm sorry I assumed that because you're made out to be some huge player back at home, that you actually are one. And that you didn't care what you did out here with girls even if you were on a date with one, that you just didn't care."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry I assumed the worst in you."

"Don't worry about it...I would have acted the same way if some guy started flirting with you...so are we okay now?"

"We're good."

"So you're okay with me doing this?" he smiled before leaning in and kissing my lips gently.

"I'm more than okay with you doing that perv." I laughed making him smile and kiss me again.

"Want to get out of here and go somewhere else?"

"Sure" I smiled. We both drank our drinks before heading out.

Walking down the street we asked a couple where we could go for some nice quiet drinks. We took an Uber to the bar they called 'Sunshine and Dreams', I stood there smiling at this really cute little bar on the beach.

Blake linked his fingers through mine as we walked inside and over to the bar.

"What can I get you?" The bar maid asked smiling.

"Can I have a bud light please and she'll have a..." Blake asked looking at me smiling.

"I'll have the same as well please"

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