[39]: Make up Sex

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My heart was pounding in my chest...who the fuck took this picture? And how the hell did Leah get my number?

I leaned over and kissed Maddie on the forehead before I carefully climbed out of bed, not wanting to wake her yet I threw on some boxers before heading into the living room. If this picture got leaked I was in deep shit. Not only with Maddie but with my management, my family, my fans.

FUCK, this was bad.

I decided to speak to Leah before anyone else. She had to get rid of that photograph.

[Leah...what the hell are you doing with that photograph? You know I have a girlfriend that I'm in love with and yes she does know about what happened on the video set...we don't have secrets.]

I tried to stay calm but inside I was freakin' out and I was actually pacing the floor; I was scared with what she could do with this. But soon enough she replied.

[One of the girls off the set took it...it's a great picture don't you think? Blake, I'm not as stupid as I look you know, I know you haven't told your girlfriend about us otherwise you wouldn't be freaking out to me right now...I just want one little thing from you and this all goes away! ;) xx]


[Dump her and go on a date with me! Not too much to ask is it? Xx]


Was this girl fucking insane? I was pulling my hair out, Maddie couldn't see this. Not before I got the chance to talk to her about what happened.

[Just one fucking date Blake. That's all I want from you. I know we have a connection, stop denying it. Xx]

What fucking connection? Oh my god...

[What fucking connection Leah? You're crazy. My girlfriend knows all about you and we're still as strong as ever. Nothing even happened. Just leave us alone. You'll never get a date with me]

[We'll see about that!]

I really didn't want to have to tell Maddie about Leah, that kiss with her literally meant nothing but now it looked like I had no choice. I'd rather it be me who told her than her find out from anyone else.

I sat down on the sofa and put my head in my hands. I was torn, I knew this would hurt her and I didn't want to do that...and we weren't technically together when it happened. But I know it's going to hurt her all the same.

I was shocked out of my internal dilemma when I felt two arms slip over my shoulders and a light kiss placed on my cheek.

"Morning baby" she whispered and I leant back into her touch.

"Morning gorgeous." I smiled pulling over the top of the sofa and onto my lap for a better kiss.

"What happened last night?" she asked me and I sighed.

"I'm so sorry, I went out with the team for celebration drinks and I just lost track of time."

"Not even one text though Blake. I was sat here like a plonker all night waiting for you."

"I'm so sorry I really am, but you know this is my job. The reason I'm out here."

"Yes I know that, and I'm not one of those clingy girlfriends who needs to be with their boyfriends every minute of the day, but we had plans and you said you weren't going to be long. If you wanted to stay out and not see me you could have just text me and I would have gone out with the girls instead." She replied angrily and stood up off my lap.

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