[31]: Mr & Mrs L.A.

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"Guys we've got another game here for you." Theo shouted down the mic. "Mr and Mrs L.A. BABY. We will be coming round in the next ten minutes trying to get six of you from each sex to play."

"Let's go when the games on, no one will be paying attention to the toilets then." I grin and he nods leaning down to kiss me before getting off and lying beside me linking our fingers together.

"Awww look we've got our very own couple here already." I heard one of the reps announce. I prayed he wasn't stood in front of us but I knew that once I opened my eyes, they'd be stood there.

I sat up on my elbows and sure enough Mark was stood grinning at me and Blake. "What do you want?" I ask nicely, smirking at him.

"You and the boy joining in the game?" he asked

"No, we're okay thank you." I smiled back

"Ahh come on, good looking pair like you have to join us. Now come on." Mark replied grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. I grabbed Blake's tighter and pulled him along with me. If I was playing then so was he.

I was stood talking to him when Lisa announced that they had finally got the last girl to join in the game.

"Okay so we're gona pair you up, you've got to work together on this." Lisa smiled at us all.

I felt my hand get grabbed and I got paired up with some random lad who told me his name was Freddy. I glanced over at Blake and I was gobsmacked as to who he was partnered with. Only the same tall, skinny, blonde skant who was all over him at the bar on our first date here, I like to call her miss bitch.

Once again she was all over Blake but he was trying to push her off him discretely. I stared at him and he looked at me apologetically.

"Can we swap partners?" Blake asked Theo

"No, partners are final." He replied

"Then you need to find my replacement, I'm not playing."

"Awww come on Blake. You can't leave me without a partner. Don't you want to win Mr L.A?" Miss bitch smiles, running her hand up Blake's chest.

"Not with you darling." Blake quickly replied moving her hands off him.

I snorted under my breath slightly and the girl swung her head at me, glaring. I swear if looks could kill...well you get the picture.

"Do we have a problem?" Theo came over to ask.

"Well yeah." Blake replied pointing in my direction. "I'm kinda seeing Maddie here so I would like to be paired with her, or I don't want to play."

"Do you mind swapping?" Theo asked Freddy and he shook his head, he didn't seem too fussed. "What about you gorgeous?" he asked looking at miss bitch.

"I was partnered with Blake so I don't see why I should swap. You said no swapping and couple were final. It's not fair if you change the rules." She huffed, folding her arms under her chest making her boobs stick out.

"Well now I'm changing them. It's a fucking game guys. Now Maddie get with Blake and blondie, you're with this guy." Theo says pointing to Freddy.

"Eugh," she moaned stomping off and standing in front of him. Freddy was a good looking lad, all the lads stood in this game were hot, and if I wasn't 'seeing' Blake as he so put it, I'd be trying my luck with them.

"Okay then guys, one couple will be dropped after each round. This is the first round. Lads lie down on the floor and hold this banana between your legs like it's your dick."

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