[13]: Birthday Celebrations

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"You girls fancy seeing if you can beat the boys three out of three rounds? Don't worry if you don't win though, you will still get the free drinks."

"Hell yeah we do" Robyn shouts "But what are the rules?"

"Robyn" I laugh elbowing her.

Did I really want to be kissing some random lad when I didn't have to?

"What?" she grins. "This means we get to kiss some hot lads and still get free drinks...it's win win if you ask me."

"Me too." Sabrina laughs

"Three." Fern chips in

"Ugh fine I'm in." I laugh...suppose they were right. Kisses were harmless after all.

"Boys I don't think I need to ask if you're in to play this last round do I? Even though you can't win the game." the DJ laughs

"Kissing some hot girls? No way am I turning this down." Adam grinned

"Okay...so the rules are simple, you have to choose a member of the opposite sex from the crowd to kiss. Then whoever out of either team gets the loudest cheer from the crowd when they kiss, wins."

"Okay, but can we choose from people already on the stage?" Zach asks staring at Fern.

"No, has to be someone from the crowd." the DJ replied.

I scanned the crowd for my potential kisser for the night when my eyes caught with a gorgeous dark haired tanned boy. I pointed at him and curled my finger a few times, asking him to join me. He grinned at his friends in the crowd, earning him a few pats on the back and a couple of high fives. But just as he was about to walk over I saw a very familiar face walk into the bar and I felt butterflies go off in my stomach. Robyn poked me in the back and I turned my head and winked at her. As Blake got to the bar with the rest of the boys I caught his eye and he grinned at me, causing me to smile back.

"Err DJ..." I say turning to him

"Yes birthday girl."

"Can I change my mind about the boy I picked?"

"Well we usually don't let people swap but as it's your birthday I'll let you off." He grinned

"Thanks." I smiled back. I found the lad in the crowd about to jump up on stage when I shook my head at him. "Sorry, I'm picking someone else."

"Ahh seriously?" he sighed

"Don't worry, I'll have him," Robyn grinned and he laughed jumping up and standing next to her. He seemed just as pleased.

"So who do you want now birthday girl?" the DJ announced over the microphone.

My eyes find Blake's again and I wink at him, "Him." he grins at the boys and walks through the crowd.

It was so weird that they could go out on night's out here and not get noticed, they were still rather unknown here in the states, guess it was a nice change for them.

As Blake got to the stage, he jumped up and stood next to me, before Fern collared Tom over to join her. Josh and Will stayed by the bar considering they had girlfriends back home. Robyn was happy with this gorgeous dark haired lad that I rejected and Sabrina picked a very cute blonde, who was just her type as well.

I winked at the girls and they grinned back at me. I glanced over to the girls who the lads had chosen...and by the looks of them, they looked well...like sluts if I'm honest. Nothing classy about them.

"Boys you are numbered one to four starting with James and girls you are five to eight, ending with Fern here. Number one off you go."

We all watched as James began kissing this girl, no holding him back he was straight in with his tongue and groping her bum, then she jumped up wrapping her legs around his waist. All the lads were cheering him on; I'm not surprised really as you could pretty much see her arse hanging out with how short her dress was. "So why was I called up here and what do I have to do birthday girl?" Blake whispered as the second lad began kissing his chosen girl.

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