[11]: Cocktails & Confessions

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"There's nothing to tell" I say quietly whilst smiling at them.

"You're lying" Robyn grins.

"I'm serious"

"Yeah right...we know something happened between you, we're not stupid. We all know you you know; and you both kept having cheeky glances at one another since you woke up; don't think none of us noticed." Sabrina smiles sitting down in front of me, Robyn sitting down in front of Fern.

Robyn tells the driver the name of our hotel and off we go...now here come the questions.

"Tell us the truth." Fern says to me. "We're your girls; you know you can tell us anything."

I knew that...but I just sat there in silence, I really wanted to tell them...I was just worried what they would say when they found out. Just then my phone buzzed again.

[Hey babe, so...the lads guessed something happened between us on the plane ;) and the smile on my face confirmed it, sorry haha How's the interrogation going on your end? :D Bx]

[Hi :) I'm surprised my girls haven't guessed yet, but they're just as bad on the interrogation to be honest haha...you mind me telling them? xx]

"You are so texting him." Robyn grinned smacking my arm, making me smile.

"'Who?" I ask taking my eyes away from my phone.

"Blake" she grinned

"Maybeeee..." I smile

"AHHHHHHHH" they all screamed sporting huge grins.

"Okay...so how did you get his number?" Fern asked.

"I never got his number...I gave him mine when we were on the plane." I smiled at them, thinking about everything that had happened, it was crazy to think about how much things had changed on a thirteen hour flight.

"So you's are just texting now then?" Sabrina asks

"I guess so; he said he wants to see me again while we're here." I grin as my phone went off again in my hand.

[Course not, the lads know so should the girls ;) Well they know about our first kiss... What you doing for the rest of the day then? x]

"Oh my god seriously" Fern grins

"Yeah he told me on the plane and again when we left the airport."

"Okay so you's are texting and he wants to see you again...something has to have happened between you two." Robyn grinned

"Maybe something did..." I smiled before replying to Blake again.

[Just the first one? The other one's are a secret? ;) I'm not too sure, probably sunbathing by the pool with a nice cocktail. What about you? xx]

"Stop texting lover boy and tell us already." Fern says nudging me

"We kissed." I grin at the girls

"Ahhhh" they all scream again

"SHUT UP" Sabrina shouts

"You kissed him?" Fern shouts


"When?" Robyn asks

"On the plane." I laugh

"Yes we know that...but when?"

"When we were watching the movie."

"I knew it." she laughed

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