[22]: Catch Ups & Cocktails

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Over the next few days, me and the girls soaked up the sun and shopped until we dropped. I had to spend my birthday money somewhere, and where better than L.A? We also went on the Beverly Hills and Hollywood bus tour which was so much fun.

Blake had taken me out for another date yesterday, and for me it was perfect. He'd picked me up just before lunch; we'd gone for a bite to eat at a cute little diner before he took us roller blading down Venice Beach boardwalk. We both even managed to stay vertical on the skates, which was a miracle in its self, considering I hadn't wore skates in years. It was the most fun I'd had in a long time; all day long we were laughing and flirting with one another. Then just before he took me home, we stopped off at the bar we went to on our first date, 'Sunshine & Dreams'. I really liked it there; it was so cute and peaceful. Blake then was the perfect gentleman and walked me up to my floor before stopping at my door, kissing me goodnight and walking away. I was literally smiling from ear to ear as the door shut behind me. I was immediately surrounded by the girls who made me fill them in on our day date. The more time I spent with Blake the more I could feel myself falling for him.

"Mads..." I heard Sabrina shout pulling me out of my day dream, thinking about last night.


"Fancy some food?"

"Yes, I'm starving." And right on cue, my stomach began to rumble.

We walked into the first diner we found, dumping our bags in the booth before checking out the menu. We all ordered, burgers and chips with fun milkshakes and chocolate sundae for pudding. This was going to go down a treat.

As we all chatted about what else we still had to do on our holiday, I felt my phone vibrate in my bag, I pulled it out expecting it to be a message from Blake but to my surprise it wasn't, yet I still had a huge grin on my face.

[Hey babe, got the afternoon off work and not seen you since your first night here. You and the girls fancy coming round mine this afternoon. Cocktails by the pool? Cris xxx]

"Blake." The girls laughed together


"What other boy you got on the go then?" Robyn laughed

"No boy...girl."

"You turning on us babe?" Fern asked

"It's Cris you losers." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Ahhh okay, what she say?" Sabrina asked

"You girls fancy hitting her villa this afternoon? Drinks by the pool?"

"Hell yes." They all shouted at me as I hit reply.

[That sounds amazing babe, we'll be there, we can catch up :) xxx]

[Okay see you soon, I'll get the drinks ready :D xxx]

[Same address yea? Xxx]

[Yea, not moved. See you soon :) xxx]

We carried on chatting away till our food came, wolfing it down us like we hadn't eaten in a month. We paid up, leaving a nice tip, before grabbing all our bags and heading out.

I swear Uber was a life saver for us over here, within ten minutes of ordering the car, our driver was outside helping put all our shopping bags into the boot. When we arrived at the bottom of the drive where Cris lives, we climbed out grabbing our bags before heading up the long pathway to the main gate of her villa.

To say the place was gorgeous would be an understatment, it was amazing. I hit the buzzer on the gate, waiting for someone to answer.


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