[19]: An Unexpected Hospital Visit

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"What the fuck" I scream, pushing my body onto Blake's, who immediately flung his arms around me, trying to hide my modesty.


"Sabrina, what the fuck?" I shout "Get out, we're a little busy here."

"Babe, I'm really sorry but we need to go to the hospital."

"What? Why? What's happened?"

"It's Fern..." she began

"Okay, tell me in a minute, let us just get changed first."

"We'll be in the living room...hurry up."

"Who's we?" I ask

"Me, Will, Josh and Tom." she smiled

Just great, we have a reception.

"Where's Robyn?"

"With Fern, now get changed"

With that she shut the door and I could hear laughing and talking from them.

I looked at Blake with a heartfelt smile, showing my disappointment.

"You've got to be kidding me." Blake groaned, resting his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry." I say to him.

"It's fine."

"Well it sucks, but I can't let them go without me."

"I know, it's honestly fine. We're here together for another three and half weeks right?" he smiles stroking my cheek.

"Yeah." I smile

"Another time then..." he grins before kissing me

"Definitely another time." I reply making him smile then kissing him again, his hands sliding up my back, making me moan into our kiss.

"Guess you like that then." he cheekily grins at me.


"I'll remember that."

"You'd better." I wink getting off him.

I pick my knickers up off the floor and slip them on under my dress before picking out a bra from my draw and putting it on. Blake was sorting himself out as I slipped off my dress, looking for a pair of shorts and a top to wear instead.

"Oh wow."

I turn to look at him smiling, "What?"

"I can see where your hidden tattoo is." he grins walking over to me.

"I guess you can." I laugh, looking down at my knickers. It was just hidden by them, so even in a bikini it wasn't seen.

"You are so cheeky." he smiles wrapping his arms around my near naked body.

"I'm saying the same back to you."

"I'm not the one who has a tattoo in a naughty place." he winks at me

"Are you complaining?" I ask him

"No way. I'm just looking forward to getting a closer look."

"Perv" I wink grinning, then kiss him gently before pulling away.

I slip on a pair of khaki shorts and put on a white boob tube top before slipping on my flip flops and leaving the room with Blake, where four pairs of eyes were on us.

"'So what's happened to Fern?" I ask, trying to change the conversation from what they obviously want to talk about. Me and Blake.

"We think she may have broken her wrist." Sabrina laughs.

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