[20]: Scandal Alert

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I threw my thin sheet off my body and flung myself out of bed, I felt great. No hangover, no tiredness, no sore feet. Walking into the living room I grabbed a glass and poured myself some orange juice just as Robyn wandered into the living room.

"Morning babe." I smile over at her "You want a glass?"

She shook her head at me looking really upset. "You okay?" I ask and once again she shook her head.

"What's wrong?" I say going over and sitting down next to her.

"I'm so sorry." She sighed passing me her phone.

I glanced at her, wondering what the hell she was on about before looking at her phone in my hand.

I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach at what I saw.

In big bold letters on her screen were the words 'CAUGHT CHEATING'

And underneath a picture of Blake and a stunning blonde hand in hand smiling at one another, then next to it a picture of me and him cuddling up in one of the bars we were in last night.

I glanced up at Robyn with tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. My heart was pouding in my chest, this couldn't be true; please tell me it's not true. I glanced at the article in my hand and scrolled down through the article.

'Two Countries..Two Girls..Two Broken Hearts'

'Blake Davies of boy band phemonenom 4 Star, has been caught out cheating on his girlfriend back home in the UK with the same gorgeous brunette we snapped him with at the airport only a mere three days ago. Speaking to Blake's girlfriend Jess, she told us how she was mortified and heartbroken to see pictures of Blake getting close with another girl. Especially when he promised that he would be faithful to her even though they were spending six weeks apart. They've had a rocky past but agreed to give their relationship another go as they both still love one another and want to be together. Blake has been spotted on numerous occasions with this new young lady - who has yet to be officially named - but seemed more than happy to be spending time with her. Including a playful day at the beach yesterday with her friends and the rest of the 4 Star lads. Below you can see pictures of them flirting, playing a game of football and kissing in the sea.

We are yet to hear from Blake Davies's representative to hear his side of the story but I suppose this speaks for itself. I just feel sorry for both girls involved.'

I passed Robyn her phone back before slowly walking into my room. "Maddie..." she called after me, following me in. I grabbed my phone from my bed and opened a message to Blake.

[I thought you said you were single? That you don't cheat? Well I feel sorry for your girlfriend back home for having such a player as a boyfriend. I actually thought you were different and that what we had going on meant something...guess I was way way wrong...more fool me right for believing you? DON'T SPEAK TO ME!]

I hit send and fell onto my bed in tears as Robyn pulled me into a hug. "It might not be true...you said he broke up with her."

"Well it doesn't look like it does it."

"Speak to him."

"I don't want to." I replied getting off the bed and grabbing the first bikini I could find. "I'm going the beach, you coming? Dammit I came to L.A. to have fun with my girls not to get a new boyfriend."

"Yeah I'm in babe...but just speak to him, okay. I think it's a huge misunderstanding. You know what the papers are like for printing shit."

"Yeah I know that, but they had to get those pictures and facts from somewhere...and..."

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