[40]: Plan of Action Needed - Check

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I walked into the first radio station about ten minutes before we were due on air, I found the boys in the green room chilling out before we went live.

"Finally managed to tear yourself away from your girl then?" Josh joked as I sat down.

"Yeah"I smiled before letting out a long sigh, leaning my head back against the back of the sofa.

"Trouble in paradise already?" Tom asked and I shook my head

"Sort of, but not with Maddie...it's just, eugh this is shit man." I groaned standing up and pacing the room.

"What the hell is up Blake?" Will asked grabbing my shoulders, stopping me in the process.

"Leah is the problem." I replied sadly.

"Who?"they all replied at once.

"That girl..." I started before the door swung open.

"Five minutes boys, come with me please so we can set up." A man wearing a very questionable flower shirt told us before walking back out.

"I'll fill you in later." I said and they nodded as we followed this man to the DJ booth.

Over the course of the next fifteen minutes we were asked questions about our history as a band and about our future; as well as stuff about our upcoming UK single, with clips of it were played on air for our potential US audience to hear as well.

As soon as we were done with the first radio interview we jumped into our crew car and drove to the next one. This is what our whole morning consisted of, hitting radio stations in the area promoting our music. Once we were done we stopped off at our hotel restaurant to grab some dinner and so I could fill the boys in properly what was going on.

"So this Leah girl from our video, has a picture of the two of you kissing from the other day?" Tom asked and I nodded.

"Yeah.She text me wanting me to break up with Maddie and go on a date with her so that she wouldn't leak this picture."

"What the hell, she's a fruit loop man" Will says taking my phone and looking at the messages she sent me.

"Tell me about it" I sighed popping a chip in my mouth.

"You told Maddie about this?" Will asked passing me back my phone.

"I didn't actually tell her, she saw the picture and messages on my phone. Shit went down this morning; just before I saw you...I almost lost her guys.Because I never made our date last night, she thought that this was why. That I was out cheating on her."

"Wow.That's bad. You's okay now?" Josh asked

"Yeah we're good, I think. I hope."

"So that's what was going on when we knocked on for you before."

"Yeah...we were making up" I smiled at the memory.

"Okayyyyy...so back to the problem...what you going to do about Leah?"

"Fuck knows mate...but we can't let this get leaked..."

"Yeah I know." Tom sighed. We all mumbled along for the rest of our meal throwing suggestions at one another about what we could to do solve this situation but none of us could come up with anything.

My phone buzzed on the table, picking it up I wanted to throw it across the room.

[You dumped her yet? Or do you want all your fans to know you're a liar& a cheater? :D xxxx]

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