[21]: Drink & Makeup

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I held out my hand for her to take, she glanced down at it for a second before putting her sunglasses back on. I sighed and let my hand fall limp at my side, but then she swung her legs off her lounger and stood up.

"Come on then." She sighed grabbing beach cover up and putting it over herself.

We walked in silence as we headed inland, with me following her like a lost puppy. Cringing inside at how I was acting but I really wanted her to forgive me, I needed things between us back on track. Strange, as I'd only known the girl a few days but she was important to me. She stopped me just before we reached the path towards her hotel from the beach and turned around to face me.

"There's a creepy man sat by the bar, I noticed him when me and the girls came out before. I don't know if he's a photographer or anything but he looks suspicious. So on the safe side, I'm going to go up to my room, and you come up in a few minutes okay."

"Okay babe." I smiled slightly at her,

"You remember what room?" she asked quietly before turning round.

"Yeah...six oh three right? It was only last night that we..." I began but stopped as I saw her close her eyes and nod. As if so much has happened since we were together last night.

I sighed and waited for a few minutes watching her walk away. I counted three minutes in my head...okay maybe two and hurried up the pathway. I had on my sunglasses and snapback so hopefully no one would recognise me. I spotted the man Maddie was on about and then saw his bag on the floor. Definitely a photographer. I dodged past people into the hotel and headed into the lift that was thankfully open. I got to her room minutes later, pausing to take a deep breath before knocking. I needed this sorted.


I got back up to my room and headed to the bar, necking back a quick shot of vodka before Blake came up. I needed to calm my nerves down. I don't know what it is about this boy that makes me go crazy and makes my stomach go into a tizzy.

The door knocked the second I placed the glass down; butterflies were fluttering around my stomach like mad. I was nervous as to what he had to say...I would be gutted if it was true. I hesitantly walked over to the door and opened it to reveal the gorgeous man himself. He sheepishly smiled and walked in, as I closed the door behind him.

I followed him over to the sofas as he sat down but I headed back to the bar. I wanted a drink.

"Want one?" I ask and he nods. Making us up a sex on the beach each I went and sat down on the opposite sofa to him.

"So..." Blake says after a couple of minutes silence, leaning forward, his elbows on his thighs.

"Yeah...so." I sighed catching his eye before downing my drink.

"We need to talk babe." Blake says getting up and sitting down next to me.

"I guess so."

"Maddie, look at me please." Blake asked taking my hands in his, pulling me gently in his direction. "I need you to lok at me so you know I'm telling the truth."

I looked up into his eyes, as his grip on my hands tightened. "I promise you, everything I told you last night was true. I don't have a girlfriend back home."

"But..." I began and he shook his head.

"Jess is shit stirring; this has her drama written all over it. I dumped her over a month ago and she hasn't gotten over that. We weren't even that serious, so her saying we're in love is bollocks. I can hardly stand her. She keeps trying to get in contact with me to get back together but I'm done with her."

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