[14]: The Secret's Out

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I woke up in the morning with a slight headache; it wasn't the worst I've suffered from so I wasn't complaining, especially after how much I had drank last night.

I checked my phone for the time, seeing I had three new messages.

[Hey...so, last night was amazing. I can't stop replaying it...hope you had a great birthday. ;) See you again soon I hope! xx]

[Hey, yeah I know. I can't stop thinking about it either. ;) I had an amazing time, definitely the best birthday ever! See you soon hopefully xxx]

I opened the second from Cris still smiling over Blake's message. I mean he seemed to be really into me, I'd have to see what this was if I met up with him again.

[Hey babe, nice catching up with you last night. See you soon in day time hours for a proper catch up. Text me :) xxx]

[Hi, was great seeing you as well. Well I'm here for four weeks so I'm free when you are, let me know. :) xxx]

Then I had a message off Steph from back home.

[You best check your twitter and Heat magazine girl;) explain please!! Ps. hope you're enjoying your holiday & had the best birthday, see you when you're home Xxx]

What the hell was she on about?

I clicked onto twitter and my mentions were going crazy.

*Is it true about you and Blake?*

*Are you the girl who is seeing Blake?*

*You better stay away from Blake...he's mine*

*Oi slag, hands off my man!!*

*You are so lucky to be with Blake :)*

*You two look so cute together <3*

What the hell was going on, how did these strangers know anything about me and Blake?

I panicked scrolling through my mentions; there were more and more coming through as I scrolled. My followers had shot up as well.

I clicked off twitter as my mentions filled up again with more and more questions and abuse. Instead I went onto heat magazine's website and right at the top of the page in the main article was a picture of me and Blake hugging at the airport and another picture of us talking at the airport with the title 'Blake Davies spotted with mystery brunette at LA airport.'

Where the hell had these people got these picture from? I never saw anyone snapping away when we were there.

I clicked off the site and replied to Steph. [Had the best birthday thank you, can't wait to celebrate when I get back home. And as for the rest of it...it's a long story. I'll fill you in later xxx]

I chucked my phone down my bed sighing before I got up and changed into my bikini, shoved my hair up into a scruffy bun, removed the last remaining parts of last night's make up before walking into the living room.

"Morning girls" I smile slightly sitting down on the sofa as Robyn hands me a glass of orange juice.

"How's the head?"

"Okay," I mumble, clearly distracted and the girls noticed right away.

"'What's up?" Fern asks sitting down next to me.

I passed her my phone and she gasps, "What the hell?"

"I know." I sigh lying down, placing my head on her lap.

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