[29]: Booze Cruise

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"MADS YOU UP?" I heard Robyn shout then bang on my bedroom door.

"UGHHHHH." I moaned scrunching up my face and cuddling up to Blake as he wrapped his arms around me leaning his chin on the top of my head.

"Babe get up, it's eight...the boat leaves at ten and we need a good breakfast in us if we're drinking all day." Fern shouted

"We're awake; just give us a minute to get up jheeze." I replied. I wasn't a morning person and the girls knew that so left me be.

"Okay." She shouted back

"I'd best check that the lads are up. Don't want to miss the boat now do we."

"Ahhh okay." I sighed moving off him.

"Err where you going?" Blake asked pulling me back to him.

"You said you needed to call the boys?"

"I do but I can do it whilst you lie here with me."

"Okay." I smiled looking up at him

"Morning by the way." He smiled stroking my cheek

"Morning perv."

"Kiss?" He grinned and I leaned up giving him a quick kiss.

"I could get used to waking up like this."

"Yeah me too...you're comfier than a pillow."

"Oi you." Blake laughed poking me in my side.

"I mean it. You are."

"Thanks." He laughed, I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"You are also nice to wake up to as well."

"You to baby girl."

I lay on Blake's chest as he rang the boys checking they were awake. I was running my finger down Blake's abs and down his scrumpious 'V' line making his body shiver at my touch. As we were still naked after our activities last night, I noticed how quickly he got hard as my fingers got lower. I glanced up at him and he was still talking to Josh on the phone. He winked at me making me smile and a cheeky thought cross my mind. My hand slid under the bed sheet and I began to slowly pleasure him. "Ah SHIT." Blake's eyes went wide with shock and excitement as he realised what I was doing.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Blake whispered moving his phone away from his ear.

"Yup." I winked making my pace faster as he bit down onto his perfect plump lip.

"Yeah Josh...I'm still here." Blake replied, cautiously watching me.

I decided to step it up a notch and slipped under the sheet replacing my hand with my mouth.

"Wooooh" Blake gasped as my lips met his dick.

"Err...I...erm...yeah...Josh...ring...ring the boys...yeah...I'm fine...wake them...yeah boat...ten...see you soon...bye."

"SHIT baby girl." Blake gasped as he hung up the phone pulling the sheet from over my head. I glanced up and winked at him making him groan so sexily. I continued pleasuring him for a while longer as Blake ran his hands through my hair.

"Baby...Maddie I'm gona cum...move." He groaned but I stayed in place.

I was lifted up his body and rolled underneath him before I could blink. "What you doing?" I gasped laughing.

"I don't want to finish just yet, I have a better idea." he winked before kissing me passionately on the lips then descending down my body. I felt his lips hit my inner thigh and my body tensed up, my hands clenching the bedding beneath me.

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