[8]: Late Night Movies

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Everyone was quite now, it was about two in the morning, the alcohol affects were wearing off making everyone sleepy including myself. The lights were dimmed in the cabin; a few whispers were flying about but nothing too loud. I glanced around the compartment we were in to see who was up but Fern, Sabrina, Robyn, Josh, Tom and Will were fast asleep with their headphones in, and Blake had his headphones in watching something on his TV screen but he seemed to be dozing off as well. I could see the light flashing on his face whenever the scene changed. I was just dozing off when heard plastic rustling behind me.

I popped my head around the chair to see that in fact Blake was wide awake, munching on haribo, head phones still in watching something, not dozing off as I thought. I smiled and turned back around, how that boy was still so wide awake was beyond me. Then again I wasn't too tired, but the dimmed lights and quietness was making me drousy. I wanted to be awake for as much as I could on my birthday though, least I could do if I was on a bloody plane for most of it. But seeing as everyone was asleep, I got comfy in my chair again ready to go to sleep.

But not even a second later I felt something hit my head, I looked around but couldn't see anything...I let it pass and put my sleep blind cover thing over my eyes and lay my head on the pillow. Then I felt it again. I lifted it up and looked around, I heard Blake sniggering, then another one hit me. It was a gummy bear, just lay there on my lap...I picked it up and threw it over my chair at him, hoping I'd hit him back. Smiling to myself as he didn't throw another sweet but then felt something get poured over my head.

I had haribo all over me, a smile spread over my face. Cheeky little shit. I stood up and all the haribo fell to the floor. I looked over at him; he was pretending to act all innocent.

Staring at his TV screen, I put my hands on my hips and began tapping my foot on the floor. "Yes." he whispered taking his headphones off his ears.

"Are you going to deny this?" I whisper but smiling at him.

"Doing what?" he grinned

"The haribo, it's everywhere, I'm even puling it out my bra." I laugh pulling a fried egg and a gummy bear from down my top.

"Oh really...need any help getting them all out." He cheekily grinned. Oh wow, that smile was going to kill me. But what shocked me was that Blake was blatantly flirting with me.


Me of all people.

I'm nothing special. I mean people have said I'm a pretty girl and I don't have a horrible figure. I like to keep myself healthy and toned but I'm nothing special. I mean this is Blake Davies. Pretty much a sex god, flawless and all round fucking beautiful. Why would he be interested in me?

"I think I can manage here." I laugh whispering pulling out another gummy bear and throwing it at him playfully. "How are you so awake?"

"I'm too hyper to sleep, plus I've had a lot of sugar from these sweets. Not a chance I'm sleeping yet. Why aren't you?"

Too much sugar...he's a bloody big kid.

"Well I was about to attempt to go to sleep before I got covered in haribo." I smiled sticking out my tongue at him causing him to chuckle.

"I saw you were the last one awake, so I amused myself with throwing haribo at you." He smirked. "And well were only six hours into our thirteen hour flight, we've got plenty of time to sleep."

"Suppose...I can't believe I'm spending most of my birthday on a plane." I sigh. "I'm glad me and the girls are coming to LA and don't get me wrong this flight has been amazing but why couldn't my birthday be tomorrow?"

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