[5]: Nowhere To Hide

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"Holy Shit." I whispered as I realised Blake freakin Davies was sat behind me. He had just heard what we'd said about him...and he'd definitely just heard that I wanted to fuck him and everything else I'd just said.

Just fuckin great, I literally stared at him in shock, I couldn't get my mind and mouth to align themselves to do or say anything. My jaw literally just hung unattractively open as Blake burst out laughing.

"Oh crap" came from the girls next to me as they realised who was sat behind us...and had heard everything we'd just said as well.; before they all burst out laughing.

"You okay babe?" Blake laughed, asking me.

I turned back around, putting my head in my hands before laughing my head off.

"Oh...my...god...seriously? Only this could happen to me." I say shocked but giggling to myself.

"You said it Madz." Sabrina laughed clutching at her sides.

"Oh my god...oh my god..." Robyn kept repeating rolling around on her seat laughing her arse off. "I can't breathe, this is the funniest thing to ever happen...and it could only happen to you Madz. I am never letting you live this down. Best moment ever."

I still couldn't believe this had happened. Seriously why me?

Had I pissed off karma in some way?

My heart was pounding so fast against my chest. Out of all the things I could have friggin said about Blake I had to say I wanted to fuck him. Not, oh yes he's so gorgeous, or oh yeah he's so talented. Noooo, I had to open my big mouth and say that I wanted to fuck him and then asked him if he agreed with me.

How in the world didn't I even notice him when we came in? How did none of us notice him? Notice any of them?

"So girls, I guess you WILL be seeing us soon then" Will laughs causing me to break my internal thought battle.

"Much sooner than I thought...or imagined." I mumbled humorously, my head still in my hands.

"Maddie babe, don't be embarrassed" Fern laughs

"Don't be embarrassed are you kidding me. I am so embarrassed, you heard what I said. Everyone heard what I said...what we all said. Anyway, you are the one who wanted naked pictures of them." I laugh over at her.

I lift my head slightly, turning it to the left, looking at the girls, who were all still wetting themselves. Fern completely blanking my last comment, still laughing at me.

"I'm glad you find my humiliation so funny." I chuckle,

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Blake laughs from over the seat, his hand touching my shoulder gently.

"It's fine. I'll just have to watch what I say in future. Keep my mouth shut." I smile back. I swear to god I will be. As if he just heard me say I wanted to fuck him. Someone please kill me now.

"At least you didn't slag us off, that would have made this so awkward." Josh smiles

"Now that would be embarrassing."

"She just admitted she wanted to fuck Blake instead." Robyn replied

"Shut up will you, my god Robyn." I hiss through my gritted teeth. Robyn just keeled over laughing again.

"You...you even admitted it to him again when he asked you."

I shook my head in my hands once more. How would I ever live this down...I wouldn't. This would end up being one of those stupid, but funny stories the boys tell interviews about silly things their fans have done to them. Instead of laughing at them I'll be the one who was getting laughed at.

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