[1]: Flying First Class

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"Here's to the next four weeks of pure bliss with my best girls." I smile holding up my glass of wine.

"Hell to the yes." Robyn grins clinking her wine glass with mine.

It was four in the afternoon and me and my girls Robyn, Sabrina and Fern were sat at a bar in Heathrow airport waiting for our gate to be announced. We were heading to LA for four weeks of sun, sea, sand and sex...on the beach. And I totally mean the cocktail...I think.

We'd been saving for the past six months for this trip and it was finally here. We are heading over to get a taste of the American culture, see some famous sites, celebrate my twenty first birthday, and to visit my cousin who was living out there.

We also had another reason to go, for Robyn to get over her cheating ex-boyfriend Ben. He'd always been a player and always will be, but then again Robyn knew that before she got together with him. I think she wanted to be the girl to try and change him, but guys like him only change when they want to, no one else can do it for them. It still didn't give him the right to break my best friend's heart though.

"I cannot wait to sit in the sun with a cocktail and enjoy the sunshine with my girls." Sabrina grins.

"I can't wait for that either." Fern giggles, "And to celebrate your twenty first Mads"

"Definitely...roll on midnight" I laugh

We finished up our drinks and decided to have a wander around duty free before our flight was called, the best thing about an airport. Tax free perfume and alcohol.

"Oh my god, I've got to buy this vodka." Robyn smiled picking up a massive bottle of Smirnoff.

"I am so with you on that." I grin grabbing a bottle for myself.

"And even better...it's two for thirty quid." She laughs pulling a second bottle from behind her back.

"Oh god..." Fern laughs shaking her head. "She's started already."

So between the four of us, we had four giant bottles of vodka. This holiday was already looking great.

"Here's to drinking these bad boys on the plane." Sabrina laughed.

"And not getting arrested" Fern chuckled along beside us.

"We don't need to drink these on the plane, we get complimentary drinks on there." Robyn grinned, "These are for our pre drinks in the hotel."

"How could I forget about the free drinks." I gasped

"No idea, but let's go pay for these bad boys and then go see what new perfume we can get our hands on."

We wandered round for a bit longer, buying some duty free perfume, magazines and sweets for the flight.

"Ooo hang on a sec, I wanna go WHSmith, I want a book to read on the plane." I say,

"You have three with you already." Sabrina chuckles.

"But those are in my suitcase..and for when we're chilling by the pool. I want to see what I can find in here for the plane." I grin walking off into the shop leaving the girls stood outside.

I rummaged through the books for a couple of minutes, looking for something interesting to read.

Then a certain book caught my eye.


"Can the passengers of flight LA4378, holding first class tickets please make your way to gate thirty six." A posh woman says over the tannoy.

"Ahh that's us." Robyn grins standing up.

"What?" I ask shocked standing up with the girls.

"Weren't you paying attention when we checked in and she gave us our tickets." Sabrina laughed as we got into the line.

"No." I laugh, "I was just excited we were finally getting rid of our heavy suitcases and heading to the bar."

"Anyway, how the hell did you manage to get us first class tickets?" Fern asks Robyn as we waited to get ours scanned.

"Well...I, I didn't manage it." she grinned sneakily.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"..it's kind of a secret. I can't tell you."

"Spill it...or your haribo die." Sabrina smiles holding Robyn's bag of haribo over the bin.

"Not the haribo." She pouts

"Spill it then" Fern laughs

"Eughh fine. But you can't tell them I told you."

"Tell who?" Sabrina replies

"Mads...your mum and dad upgraded our original tickets for these as part of your birthday present."

"Oh my god, really?" I say gobsmacked

"Yea, they made me promise not to tell you and just blag something. But I'm kinda shit at lying to you girls."

"It's only because we know you so well." Fern smiles nudging her gently.

"That you do, now come on. We have a plane to catch." Robyn replies, "But before we do, hand over the sweets."

"Haribo surrendered." Sabrina laughs handing over the packet to Robyn.

We showed the airhostess our passports and tickets, and then headed down the tunnel to the plane. I had the biggest smile on my face; I couldn't wait for this holiday.

We reached the plane and a gorgeous male attendent checked our tickets. "This way is first class ladies." he smiled, leading us through some red curtains. "These will be your seats for the flight," he says pointing at four chairs with loads of leg room, private TV screens, amazingly comfy seats and a personal sleeping set.

"If you need anything at all, just press this button here on your TV screen and I'll be right with you."

"Thank you." Robyn grins taking her seat.

"Wow, check this out girls. I so love my parents for this." I laugh sitting down in my chair stretching out.

"I love your parents too." Robyn laughs sitting down in the chair next to me doing the same.

"This is going to be one hell of a great flight." Fern grins pulling out the vodka.

"Let us take off first woman...Jheeze." Sabrina bursts out laughing.

"Put them away, we don't need them remember." Robyn says rolling her eyes amusingly at them.

"Oh yeah." Fern grins slipping the bottle back into her bag. "I'm just so excited for this holiday of a lifetime with my best friends."

"Me too, I just can't wait to see what's in store for us." I grin over to her.

I placed my bag under my chair, pulling out my iPod, new book and sweets. I placed them on the mini table next to me and got comfy for the take-off. It was now eight in the evening, the plane was taking off any minute and I couldn't wait to leave the UK behind for four weeks and embrace what LA had in store for us.


So this is the first part of this story I'm re-uploading. I hope you enjoy it.

Nothing much has happened yet, but it soon starts to heat up I promise :)

*Thank you @LOULIDITY for the lovely cover*

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