[3]: Farewell Messages

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I signed onto facebook on my phone writing my status, tagging the girls in it.

So ready to leave the UK behind for 4 weeks and hit L.A with my girls @Robyn @Fern & @Sabrina :) Upgraded kick ass 1st class seats and all the free alcohol we can drink on here just made this 13 hour flight worthwhile! Goodbye Rain...Hello Sunshine <3

The girls must have been on their phones as well as they all instantly liked it, amongst many of our other friends.

"Maddie get off your phone, we're about to take off." Fern says to me

"I'm just checking facebook and twitter before I have to shut it off." I reply smiling, knowing she was on her phone as well.

I clicked onto twitter and tweeted something similar, just very condensed for it's stupid character limit, tagging the girls again.

"Oooo you seen what 4 Star have just tweeted?" Sabrina says laughing at her phone.

"No...." Robyn laughs "The lads tweet all the time, why is this any different?"

"They're on a plane, going to L.A." She smiles

"Oooo really?" I laugh

"We might bump into them there." Fern laughs

"You serious? Do you know how big LA is?" I laugh. "There's more of a chance of me getting drunk and road tripping it to Vegas and marrying Robyn." All the girls burst out laughing.

"That's true." Robyn giggled

I clicked onto the boys page hit reply to Blake, @4StarOfficial – Sat on the plane with the boys, waiting to head off to L.A. 3rd Album here we come :D Bx

@MaddieMarie – Might see you there boys, Me and my girls are on a plane to L.A. as well ;) have fun xx

I put my phone down on the side, yet to turn it off. It vibrated so I picked it up.

*1 New Message - Mum x*

[Hey sweetie, hope you and the girls have an amazing time in LA, going to miss you like mad. Have an amazing birthday; we will celebrate when you come back!! Love you Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (21 kisses for my baby :)) ]

[Thanks mum; these 1st class tickets are amazing, thank you so much. Robyn can't lie to us, you know that :L I'll miss you loads, hell yes to celebrating when we get back, I can show off my tan :D Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]

"Awww mum's just text me." I smile at the girls

"What did she say?" Sabrina asks already stuffing sweets into her mouth.

I told them the message and they all awww'd saying how much they appreciated my parents doing this for our holiday. I was not complaining one bit. I was about the turn my phone off when it vibrated again; a little number one was against my twitter icon on my iPhone.

I had a tweet.


Only a short one this tonight, but I'll double post tomorrow to make up for it :)

*Thank you @Tiggy_xoxo for my lovely banner*

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