[33]: Those Three Words - Round 1

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First of all, who the fuck is in my bed?

Second of all, why did this have to happen to me?

And third, why did the girls let me do this?

Jesus how much did I actually drink last night not to remember bringing this guy back?

God damn tequila, wipes my memory every time.

I need a plan, I had to figure out a way for getting this guy out of here without anyone knowing.

Without anyone seeing him.

Without him making a sound.

Without him telling anyone.

I really didn't want to speak to him but I knew I was going to have to...even if it was just to kick him out.

I felt the person lay next to me turn over and I froze. I wasn't ready for this. I needed more time to think about my plan.

I attempted to slow down my tears and wiped them away but more just flowed down my face.

I felt an arm wrap itself over my body and pull me close to them. My body tensed immediately and I felt sick, I didn't want them touching me.

"Baby what's wrong?" A soft, comforting voice asked me.

A wash of relief flooded through me as I realised who was actually lay next to me.

I turned my head to see the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes I'd ever seen looking and me, filled with worry.

I turned my body so that I was facing him still frozen. I had to touch his face to make sure he was real, that it was actually him lay here with me.

I didn't know what to say. I don't remember seeing Blake last night.

I don't understand.

"Maddie, you okay?" Blake asked me again, stroking away my fallen tears.

"Yeah" I whispered and nodded my head. I didn't trust my voice any louder.

"Then why were your gorgeous green eyes leaking water?" He smiled which made me smile

"It's gona sound so stupid" I sighed resting my head on his chest. My heart pounding so hard against my chest. Could I really tell him what I thought had happened?

"You can tell me anything you know." He smiled pulling me into a hug that I thought was going to squeeze the life out of me.

"Yeah I know."

"Then what's made you so upset?" he asked again stroking his hands down my back. "It's not Charlie is it?"

"What?" I gasped looking up at him. Did he know about the message he sent me? "No it's not about him."

"He's text you again though hasn't he?"

"Yeah he has. But it's all the same shit anyway. He's nothing to worry about." I smiled up at him.

"Okay so now that I don't have to kick his arse for upsetting you, why were you crying?"

"I thought that it was someone else in the bed with me this morning, not you" I said quietly, "I thought I'd done something so stupid and I'd never forgive myself for it."

"Aww sweetheart." He smiled affectionately kissing my forehead "Is that why you were crying?"

"Yes Perv." I smiled. "I really like you, like really like you; and thought it was some other person lay there, that I'd ruined whatever this is we have...erm if you could call it that." I say burying my head under the sheet to hide the blush that was filling my cheeks.

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