[6]: Apology Accepted

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"Oh hi" I smile

"Hey...Maddie wasn't it?" Blake asked smiling at me.

"Yeah, I'm Maddie."

The toilet door opened into the narrow corridor leaving only me and Blake. The others were shut off from view by the door.

"Sorry if I embarrassed you before." he smiled, flashing me his perfect set of pearly white teeth.

"Oh right...yeah...it's fine. Don't worry about it, serves me right for shouting my mouth off about you like that." I say blushing... "I apologise for what I said."

"So you take it back?" he asked smiling cutely at me.

"No." I instantly replied as a smirk took over Blake's face. Then as I realised what I said, my hands shoot up to cover my mouth as my eyes almost bulge out of my head. What the hell was I saying? Oh my god I'm so stupid I swear.

Blake started laughing before smiling at me "Good."

I couldn't believe I was talking to Blake Davies, who only an hour ago I was just tweeting and drooling over in my book. Now I was drooling over him in person. The word perfection didn't cover him at all, and as much as he looked gorgeous in pictures...they didn't do justice to him in real life.

Seriously, no justice.

"Well I apologise for embarrassing you like that. Let's start again. I'm Blake." He smiles holding out his hand.

"Maddie." I grin shaking his hand "I'll erm...let you use the bathroom."

"I never needed to use it, I just wanted to speak to you." he cheekily smiled making my heart rate increase...he wanted to talk to me.

"Oh okay." I smiled trying so hard not to blush "Well I would rather speak to you away from a toilet then." I chuckle

"Sounds good to me."

For me to be able to close the bathroom door, I had to step closer to Blake. Not that I minded of course, "Sorry." I smile and he places his hand on my hip. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

Oh My God I thought I was about to pass out...this had to be a dream right? Cause Blake at this moment was staring into my eyes, the light above us was causing them to sparkle, his mouth had formed into a tiny grin and his hand was still on my waist...my heart was beating so hard, I thought it was going to fall out my arse, as if this was happening. I smiled at him sweetly, not a chance I was going to act like a crazy girl in front of him.

"Come on then." I said turning towards him before I shut the door and walked down towards the others. They were all staring at me "What?" I ask

"And what took you so long?" Fern laughs

"Well I went to the toilet if you must know, then I was just talking to Blake." I say smiling

"Oh were you now." Robyn winked at me

"Oh shut up." I smile, rolling my eyes at her sitting down, Blake sitting down in the chair behind me.

"Is there anything I can get you?" the male hostess asks me smiling.

"Can I have a vodka and coke please?" I smile

"Make it two." Robyn grins

"Three" Fern laughs

"Four" Sabrina agrees

"Boys we drinking?" Josh asks

"Hell yes" Blake says, well shouts excitedly

"Make it eight vodka and coke's please mate." Will smiles.

"They'll be with you soon" he replies but looking at me smiling.

As he walked through the red curtains behind us, Robyn smiles at me! "He fancies you."

"No he doesn't." I say rolling my eyes at her again.

"He does. He kept looking and smiling at you then." Sabrina says popping her head in front of Fern.

"Whatever. He was just doing his job and you know...being polite." I reply

A couple of minutes later he re-appeared with his trolley cart and eight plastic cups, eight mini bottles of vodka and passing us tiny individual cans of coke.

"Cheers." we all say to him at once.

He walked back through the curtain, not before smiling at me again. Ahh maybe the girls were right, yeah he was hot....but come on...who wants to flirt with him when you have 4 Star to flirt with.

Especially a certain Mr Davies...who kept flashing his gorgeous smile at me, causing butterflies to flutter around my stomach.

If this was how my holiday to LA was beginning, I couldn't wait see how the rest panned out.


I'm going to be posting this rather quickly, so the parts will be up in bulk. Some nights I will be posting two maybe three parts, then others maybe none, depending if I have time. :)

Hope you're all enjoying it so far! <3

*Thank you @1DerfulForever for the lovely banner*

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