[42]: Sunshine & Dreams

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I woke up the next morning to light kisses being pressed over the back of my neck and a warm arm gently wrapped around me, stroking my stomach before moving up to my breasts.

A huge grin appeared on my face as I turned around to see Blake grinning back at me. "Well that was a pretty perfect way to wake up." I smiled up at him "Morning baby"

"Morning gorgeous." Blake smiled leaning down to kiss me again.

"What time we meeting everyone?" I asked him linking our fingers together as he continued to pepper kisses along my jaw line.

"Soon..."he replied before covering my lips with his then trailing them down my neck and chest.

"Guess you got other things on your mind at the moment huh?" I grinned feeling him nod against my neck, kissing that sweet spot that he knew was my weakness.

"God Blake." I moaned pulling him closer to me running my hands through his hair before pulling him up to kiss his lips.

Then before I could blink, Blake quickly rolled himself on top of me,between my legs as I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening our kiss.

I heard a ripping of foil before Blake pulled away from me slightly. I smiled up at him before pulling him back down to kiss me as he slowly pushed himself into me.

Blake was leaning over me on his forearms as my hands roamed his back."Yes...oh god Blake..." I panted as his body started to hit just the right spots in me. Luckily we had the thin sheet over us as my bedroom door burst open.

"OH SHIT!" I heard Em shout. We stopped what we were doing as our heads whipped to the door, the look of shock on her face before slamming the door shut.

"Least they left us alone this time." I giggled up at Blake who smiled

"Yeah,good...now where were we?" he grinned

"THERE!"I screamed as he began thrusting into me again.

Twenty minutes later we walked out the room hand in hand ready to go. Blake grabbed his bag from Josh changing quickly before we all set off for breakfast.

"I can't believe you walked in on them." Sabrina laughed as we all sat down for breakfast making me blush like mad.

"I didn't know they were...occupied." Em replied with an obvious blush to her face. "Someone could have told me"

"We didn't know you were gona walk in there...couldn't you hear them?" Lucy laughed


"Suppose we're used to it now seeing as they're always at it like fuckin rabbits." Robyn piped up saying making me hide my face in Blake's chest.

"Guys do you mind...we're right here you know?" I replied turning my face to look at them all laughing.

"We know." All the girls laughed

"Anyway...the rule is knock before you enter, you know that." I reply before taking a swig of my drink

"No the rule is, lock your door." Fern chuckled... "Thought you'd remember that from last time."

"Yeah well...we we're busy."

"We know."

"So, waterpark anyone..." Josh said changing the subject

"Yeah...let's go."

The boys had organised cars for us to take us and pick us up from the park so we all split up into three cars. When we walked into the park to put our belongings into a locker, we got collared by a giant squid for a group picture. We were told we were able to collect it at the end of the day by the exit. I couldn't wait to see it; apart from at Crista's birthday party and the night at the bonfire, I don't think we've had a group picture of all of us together.

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