[9]: Secret Kisses

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I woke up with a stiff neck, so much for first class being comfy. Serves me right for falling asleep sitting upright I guess. I took out my headphones and placed them and my iPod on the side. I glanced around the dimmed cabin, it was much lighter now but all the blinds were still down...what time was it?

I touched the TV screen and went onto flight details.


I looked over at Fern and Sabrina, they were still flat out, we still had another two hours left on the flight. I turned to look at Maddie, but she wasn't in her chair. I looked behind at the boys who were all still flat out, where the hell was she?

Then I saw her, fast asleep on Blake's lap. They were still sleeping, her head on his shoulder, and his arm around her and his head resting on her head. They looked so cute together. I took out her camera to get a cheeky photo of them; she'd thank me for this later. I turned the flash off and snapped a quick picture of them. What a strange but amazing flight this had turned out to be. So random, I swear without us getting pictures with the boys, no one would believe a word we told them about this.

There was just one thing I couldn't figure out though...how the hell had Maddie ended up on Blake's chair?

I wasn't awake alone for long, soon enough the others began to wake up but I shh'd them not wanting to wake everyone else up. First awake was Josh.

"You have a nice sleep?" he whispers to me.

"Yea, was great" I smile at him "You seen the new couple?" I ask nodding towards Maddie and Blake who were still cuddled up together. It was weird; even though they were '4 Star' we could talk to them like they were our friends. They felt like it already.

"Awww." he smiled "How did that happen?"

"Not a clue, guess we'll have to ask them when they wake up."

Josh took his blanket off and stood up stretching his body out. He grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of them sleeping.

"You're not allowed your phone on." I whispered at him grinning.

"It's on airplane mode." He grinned smugly.

Fern was awake next, mumbling something then bolting awake.

"You okay?" I whisper to her as she sat there breathing heavily and holding onto her chest.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just had that feeling when you're falling and I was about to hit the floor..."

"But then you wake up." Josh smiled

"Exactly. They always freak me out. Everyone else still asleep?" she asks looking around the cabin.


"Where's Mads?" she asks

"On Blake" Josh smiles

"What?" She says standing up and looks over to where Blake is sat with Maddie, she smiled over at them then looked confused... "What? How did that happen?"

"That's what we've all been thinking." I reply

To be fair, they looked so cute together. But what was she playing at flirting and cuddling up with Blake?

She was never going to see him again after this flight and besides even if she did; he's Blake Davies from 4 Star. Celebrity, singer/songwriter, one quarter of the hottest boy band in the UK, and a cocky, arrogant player (apparently, according to the papers) he'd just end up breaking her already fragile heart.

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