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Important ‼️-Any kind if words used to describe the families, places and people are made-up and imaginary. Donot use them IRL because you will look like an idiot. Thank you.
Roaming around the streets of an unknown place. I was hoping to find some people I can communicate with.

My legs were about to give up. I held my dress up with my arms and started to run.

I lost my breath and sat down on of the benches. Heavy breathes took over me. I saw a bottle of water on the floor. I took it and started to drink the water.

I know...I know...I shouldn't drink it but I haven't ate since last 4 days...

Crumbling the water bottle I throw it in the dustbin. I heard giggles coming from my back.

I turned around and saw a little girl playing with her...grandpa? There were gaurds around her...

Seems like she is from the Quarms (Rich family)...Lucky

I lowered my head and sat down on the bench. My stomach growled in pain. "You always hungry..." I said to my stomach.

"Don't worry I'll find you foo-" I was cut off my a voice coming towards me.

"How dare you!" I turned around and saw that same person that was playing with the child standing next to me with a gun in his hand.

I gulped and stood infront of him.

"What did I do si-" This man cut me off two times now.

"This bench was specially made for the Welines (Royal Family). You look like your from the Mairas (Poor family). Eww..."

He made a disgusting face. I looked over to the bench and it had a tag on it.

For Welines only. Any other civilian who sits on it will be jailed.

I closed my eyes in fear and stood straight.

"I-I am so s-sorry sir"

He sarcastically chuckled. "Hah! Like your sorry is going to get the bench's respect back. Security! Inspect her"

I started to panic. "P-Please sir, I-I didn't know" I started to cry.

The security gaurds hand-cuffed me and asked some questions.

"Where are you from? Are you from this planet?" I nodded.

"I need words!" He slapped me.

"Y-Yes sir. I-I am from Fortmelister (Planet's name)"

"Your identity. Everything!" I flinched but answered.

"Y-Y/n. 23. Kinord is the place I was born on."

They nodded and started to tie a chain to my neck which connect to me hands. "If I tried to break the chain, it will automatically choke you to death." The gaurd said.

"You did a very big mistake...Now suffer" that man smirked on my face and left. The little girl kept looking at me with tears in her eyes.

I smiled at her and was dragged away into the car.

This is my life...

I sat in the car and was chain to the seat too. I held my tears in and looked out the window.

"How did you end up here?" A guard on the front seat asked.

"I was lost in the crowd. Everyone in our city was low on food. We were all told to get collected to the main statue to get food. Everyone was fighting for it. I was told that little far away, free food was given. There was no food and I didn't know the way back..."

Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prince Series)Where stories live. Discover now