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Yn POV (the next morning)
My eyes slightly opened by the sun rays coming through the curtains. I felt a strong grip onto my waist.

Looking back, I saw Jungkook hugging me and sleeping like a cute bunny. I turned around and put my hand onto his cheek, slowly carressing it.

His hands moved from my waist to my back, pulling me closer to him as he dug his face into my neck.

A slight chuckle left from my mouth. "Jungkoo-" I whispered but he cut me off "Stay... Please stay..." He pleaded.

I ran my hands through his soft hair, carressing his scalp. His hands roamed through my whole body.

His face dug into my neck gave me butterflies. "I love you..." Said Jungkook, making me look at him.

Our faces were just on inches apart. I held onto his cheek as he held onto my thigh. "I love you too..."

A little smile creeped onto his face. He closed his eyes and brought his face near mine. The next thing I knew, how faces attached by the help of our lips.

I closed my eyes as well. Jungkook got closer to my body, still passionately kissing me.

It was always as soft as possible. He hovered above me, still kissing me. Intertwining our fingers, Jungkook pulled off.

He pecked my lips and forehead. "Beautiful..." He said making me blush. I eyed jungkook to get off me so we can get ready.

"Yeah sorry" I got up, laughing at Jungkook. He got up from the bed, helping me get up as I have leg pain from walking all day yesterday.

Finally getting up from the bed. I immediately hugged Jungkook. He laughed at my behavior. "Go get ready. I will make breakfast. The clothes will be outside as usual"

He said, picking me up and dropping me in the shower like a baby. I angrily looked at him as he laughed and left the room.

I closed the door and took a warm WARM shower. Coming out of the shower, I saw a beautiful pink dress with makeup.

I immediately picked it up and wore it.

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