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Author POV
Y/n pointed the gun at Charlotte's head, making Charlotte gulp in fear. "Hah! You really thought I was going to kill you like this" Y/n sarcastically chuckled and dropped the gun.

"You deserve to suffer..." Everyone in the room had their eyes in y/n and Charlotte. "You wanna make me suffer? Get to know me first." With that the lights went off making everyone panic.

It was time for y/n to think like Charlotte, act like her and fool people like her.

As the lights went off y/n immediately grabbed Charlotte by wrapped her hand tightly around her chest. Meanwhile Charlotte was trying to get out of her grip.

Charlotte took a dagger out of her pocket and stabbed y/n's thigh area but y/n didn't let her go. She took out the dagger out of her leg and stabbed Charlotte on her shoulder.

"AH!" Charlotte screamed in pain but managed to push y/n away and run out the door.

While everyone was trying to turn on the lights, y/n and Charlotte were fighting.

Y/n, with her injured leg started to run after Charlotte. She was also not so far away because of her shoulder.

Slowly slowly y/n was catching up with Charlotte and finally grabbed her by the dress and pulled her towards her.

She started to choke her hard. "oh come on!" Some gaurds along with guns approached them and pointed their guns at y/n.

Charlotte was out of y/n's grip as they could shot y/n anytime so she has to raise her hand up.

Y/n stood up and raised her hand while Charlotte was getting help to get up. "Turn around!" Said the gaurd as y/n did so. They started to tie her hands but one mistake that the guard made was to hold the gun in between of his armpits.

Y/n immediately took the gun from his grip and shot him multiple times. Everyone started to shoot at her but she hid behind the body and saved herself.

Y/n saw Charlotte running away and started to shoot all the gaurds one by one. While shooting, she got shot on her arm but she kept it together and ran to where Charlotte was.

"Namjoon! Where did Charlotte go?"

"I want you to follow Charlotte. Everywhere she goes. Tell some gaurds to follow her" I whispered in Namjoon's ears and went inside the room.

End of Flashback
"She ran to the Lomeil majesty" Namjoon helped y/n run to the Lomeil "Here keep this. If you see her come out of there. Shoot her legs multiple times" Said y/n, handling Namjoon a gun.

"And what about you? What if you don't come outside?" Said Namjoon.

"Then just think I got killed or killed Charlotte" Y/n said, loading her shotgun. She took off her dress, revealing a whole body armor.

"Ready?" Said Namjoon, ready to open the door. Y/n nodded her head as Namjoon opened the door, revealing nothing but silence.

The biggest surprise lies in silence...

Keeping that in mind, y/n carefully and slowly moving towards the center.

Things kept fall here and there which made y/n more alert. Finally reaching the center, she sat down and looked around.

Nothing was there until...Y/n saw a shadow behind her. She immediately turned around and saw a man with a katana in hand.

He started to swing the katana like he was cutting vegetables thrown in the air.

Y/n was trying her best to try to not get in contact with the sword. She immediately got up and pointed the gun at his head and shot him.

A sign left from y/n's mouth. She looked around for anyone else when she saw a shadow of another man.

Not this time bitch!

With that y/n turned and saw a man with a rod in his hand. He swung it, trying to hit y/n's head but she avoided it and hit his knee making him fall.

Taking the rod from his hand and hit his neck and head. "Don't try me bitch" With that y/n moved forward and to the huge cross sign.

She was too intense and furious to even get a paper cut from these people. And why she didn't go outside to find Charlotte?

Because this is the safest place. There are alot of gaurds here to protect the god.

Basically in Fortmelister, you protect your god even though he is not actually there.

Y/n just stood there, ready to fight everysingle one of them. "Come out Charlotte! I know you are there!" Y/n shouted.

"Hah! Your so weak!" Y/n laughed out. Its like she turned into a whole heartless person now.

Y/n pointed her gun into the right, most last seat and looked into the scope.

Shooting the seat, she heard a girl scream making y/n smirk. She walked over to the seat while reloading her shotgun.

She looked back to the seat and saw Charlotte there. "Found you!" Pointed the gun at her head, she was so ready to pull the trigger but someone pulled her back and threw her on the ground.

She immediately got up but he kicked her and put his booted foot on her chest. Y/n held his foot with both hands and started to dug her nails in it.

Due to the pain he remove his foot. She took the chance and pulled his foot, making him fall head first.

Getting upon him, she pointed her gun on his chest and pulled the trigger.

Phew...Anymore people or should I just get Charlotte?

Thought y/n looking around and saw many men coming over to her and fighting.

She fought all of them one by one and killed them all but the real question is where is Charlotte?

Getting up from the ground without a single wound from them, y/n looked around and saw so many dead bodies.

She knew this all was coming up because why would Charlotte fight herself?

"CHARLOTTE! COME OUT YOU SCAREDY CAT!" Y/n shouted out loud as her voice ecoed in the dead.

"Hah! You killed me husband and think I will leave you so easily? COME OUT IF YOU DONT I WILL FIND YOU AND PEAL YOUR SKIN OFF YOUR BODY!" Y/n took a pole in her hand and banged it on the seat.

Breaking everysingle seat so that Charlotte can't hide. The doors to other rooms had locks so she wasn't inside any of them as well.

Watch out...

Immediately turning her around and seeing Charlotte trying to quietly sneak out of the main door.

Y/n smirked and ran after her as she ran out of the Lomeil. Both of them can't run that fast because of their wounds.

Namjoon saw Charlotte and immediately shot her leg. She fell on her knees. Taking big steps towards Charlotte and grabbing Charlotte's hair in her hand. She dragged Charlotte to the horse.

Y/n saw Charlotte's father in Lilith's hands. Both Charlotte and her father were unconscious. "Great job guys!" Said y/n, hopping on the horse and putting Charlotte infront of her.

Namjoon hopped on another horse as they all three went back to Lilith's house...

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