Chapter-25 (END)

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Jungkook switched the tv on and turned to the news channel. My eyes widened when I saw the news.

"J-Jelena! She is t-there j-j-jungkook! Ohmy-" I said as I started to shake from panic. "Hey hey hey! Calm down..."

Jungkook hugged me as I immediately calmed down. He patted my back lightly as whispered.

"You trust me right? Leave it all to me. You will stay with me only, you will NOT go anywhere."

He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, rested my head onto his shoulder. Turning off all the lightly, he lightly put me onto the bed.

He laid next to me as I put my head onto his chest. I could hear it beating fast.

Is he nervous?

I closed my eyes and put my hand onto his chest as well.

We'll see what will happen next.

The next day
I was currently sitting in Jungkook's office, anxiously waiting for him to come outside of his bathroom.

Gosh! This morning hasn't been the best. While coming up to his office. People kept grabbing me and asking me weird questions.

One of the news chanels asked me to have an interview with them and I said yes.

I'll be going there and show all the people who I really am. I just hope that they don't react weirdly.

"Let's go yn" I heard Jungkook say making me snap out of my thoughts. I got up from my seat and walked over to him and locked my arms with his.

"Remember to not lie there. I will be sitting beside the direction. If you feel uncomfortable, just walk out."

I nodded at Jungkook's instruction. We walked outside of the building and saw thousands of people standing there waiting for us.

I covered my face and walked over to the car and safely sat there. After a cool 25 mins, we reached the show set.

Walking inside, I saw people weirdly looking at me. I just sat onto my seat and people started to do their work.

"Hello miss yn" I turned around and saw the reported smiling at me. I smiled back and greeted him.

"Its great to see you! So are you ready for the interview?" He said as I nodded. "Good, meet me there in 5 mins"

Said the interviewer, as he pointed over to the set and left. "Miss yn! You can go sit there" said the director, as I nodded and sat onto the seat with the interviewer.

I saw Jungkook sitting next to Jungkook. He smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I passed the smile and nodded.

"hello everyone! This is Min Yoongi and welcome back to my show! Today, after lots of requests we'll finally have some discussion with yn"

The camera flashed on me. "Hello everyone, I am yn..." I waved at the camera.

"So yn, tell me whatever Jelena said in our previous interview. Is it true?" Asked yoongi, as I nodded.

"Its true. I am from Fortmelister." Everyone gasped me shock. I hung my head and signed. "Why did you come here?"

I looked up at the camera and said "Does it really matter? Y'all are not gonna believe it anyway" I said, looking away.

"We really need the truth miss yn. Don't worry, just tell us." Encouraged the interviewer.

"Okay so..." I too a deep breath and explained everything. Each and every detail. Most of the people started to cry listening to my story.

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