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The pain I was feeling was unbearable. Tears weren't stopping, my hands were shaking, my heart was aching. I had no words on my mouth.

I looked over to Jungkook and kissed his forehead for the very last time. "I love you too..." I picked up jungkook and dragged him outside.

It was all grassy area around. I dragged Jungkook's body to an empty area and dug a huge hole with the help of a shovel from inside. It was very hard for me to make this decision but I had to accept the reality.

I laid his body inside the hole and put my head on his chest...It wasn't even beating.

The whole night, in an unbearably cold weather I spent the night with Jungkook. Talking about all the memories we had. More like I was slowly turning into a phycho.

"Do you remember when we played in the snow? I hit you on the head with the ball and you got a cold. Hahaha that looked so funny" I laughed to myself, waiting for his reaction but all I got was nothing...

Each time I said something and I waited, I got more sad but I had to stay the last night with him. I had to.

"And! When you bought me that black dress and complimented me with "YoU LoOk BoMb" I laughed out loud but immediately got sad knowing that there won't be anyone anymore who would tell me that.

"Anyways...I am going to stay with you tonight. We are gonna cuddle" I said, laying myself onto his chest. I ran my hand on his stomach. I could feel his cuts and burned skin.

"Look what they did to you...I will take my revenge. I will make them suffer just like they made you suffer" I said, closing my eyes.

While I was sleeping I felt two hands wrapped around me. I immediately got up and saw a light, very light shadow of a human.

I rubbed my eyes and saw Jungkook... I tried to touch him but my hand went through him..."you are alive...?" I asked as he shook his head as a no.

"Then how?" I got confused. Jungkook took my hand in his and leaned in. Our lips touched which made me shocked.

Is it his soul? Maybe this is the last time we are meeting, let's enjoy.

Our lips we moving in sync. His hand touched my cheek, slowly caressing it. The other hand intertwined with my hand. Gently kissing my lips, I felt happy in his touch.

He broke the kiss and kissed my forehead. His body was translucent so even the smallest ray of light was passing through him.

"Are you gonna leave?" I asked, starting to get teary. He gave me a small smile and nodded. "Please don't" starting cry, Jungkook lifted my face up and pointed to the sky and did the eye thingy.

(That I am watching you thing you do with your fingers)

I nodded and tried to touch his cheek but he already vanished in the air.

My crys got harder and harder. The pain I felt couldn't be explained in words, I screamed and shouted for him to come back but he didn't.

At some point I had to let it go but how can I...I love him so much...

For the last time, I looked at Jungkook and kissed his forehead. Starting the bury the body under the ground, I put stones over it. Its like I was burying my heart.

I got up and started to walk towards the moon. I think that's the only way I can reach somewhere. I was barefoot and my dress was torn off. Its like I reached the same situation I was in before.

The whole night I kept walking and walking until I saw smoke coming out of the woods. I slowly reached the place and saw a small hut with people out.

Its very late at night, why are there people outside?

"Excuse me" I said, lightly touching the shoulder of one of the lady. "Oh my god! Princess what are you doing here and what happened to your clothes!" She started to panic.

Princess? Did she say princess?

"I-I? P-princess? Oh yeah..." I lowered my head, holding in my tears. "We don't have time for that majesty. You look like you are about to faint. Let's go inside" she held my body and leaded my inside.

Carefully putting me on the ground with cushions on it, she brought water for me. I drank in one go.

"M-Majesty, should I do your first-aid?" I look up to all my wounds then looked at them and nodded.

She quickly ran up to the room and brought a first-aid box. I looked outside the door and saw people gossiping about us. I ignored and looked up to her working.

"Lilith! Bring the bandaid!" She called someone out which sounded so much familiar to me.

A lady came in out of the room with a box of bandaids.

Wait... Isn't that the girl I saw in the dungeon?

"Lilith..." She looked up to me and got shocked. "Ohmygod how are you here and what happened!" I immediately started to ask question and applying the bandaid.

I explained her and her mother (?) The whole situation. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore and started to cry.

"Do you want my help?" Asked Lilith. I looked up to her with teary eyes and shaky voice. "H-How?" I asked.

"With taking revenge" she said, holding my hand. "Why would you help Lilith. You can die-" she cut me off "they killed my father" I got shocked by her sudden statement.

"Okay then!" I said, sitting up straight. "We will leave tomorrow." I got up from the ground and started to walk out. "Where are you going?"

Her mother asked. "I-I don't know..." I scratched the back of my neck. "Sleep here only...You have no where else to go" Lilith guided me to a room and changed my clothes as well.

"Sleep well" she tucked me in bed and left the room.

Jungkook...I miss you...

Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prince Series)Where stories live. Discover now