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Riding on my horse, me and Lilith are just meters away from the Weline land. We both had our mouth covered so nobody could get to know it's us.

The castle was now in my sight. I looked over to Lilith, she signalled to go over to the gate so I did so.

The guards stopped us and told us to take off our masks. I took off my mask which left them in shock. Getting off my horse, I walked over to the gaurd.

"So she did announce me dead huh..." I said, looking into the gaurd's eyes. "M-Majest-" The gaurd was about to say something when I cut him off.

"Save it! You will be needing that for later" I said, getting back on my horse. "And! Nobody should get to know that we are here until I announce it myself. Got it!" I am the widow princess so they had to listen to me.

"Y-Yes! Your highness!" They bowed and saluted. Opening the gates for us we entered the castle.

Me and Lilith stopped at the main gate and tied our horses to the secret exit which was not so far from the main.

"Come with me" I took my hand in lilith's and guided her inside. We kept our masks on until we reached the Weline area.

The gaurds stopped us. We both took off our masks. "Now open the door." We both were ready to walk in but they stopped us.

"Sorry my highness but...You are not allowed to enter" said one of the gaurds looking at the ground fearfully. "Why? Did they tell you that I was dead or...A Maira?" boldly putting up a question, crossing my arm around my chest.

"I-I am sorry my highness. Y-Y-You can go inside" I smiled at him and whisper something in his ear.

He turned over to me in shocked expression. "M-Majest-" I put my hand over his mouth and asked "what's your name?"

"Namjoon..." He said. I gave him a smirk and went inside with Lilith.

I violently opened the door open, making everyone look at me in shock. "Miss me?" I gave everyone a big smirk. "Y-Y/n..." My name left from Mrs.Jeon's mouth making me look at her.

"Surprised aren't you? Come on your daughter-in-law came from being dead back to her home. Aren't y'all gonna welcome me?" I said in a louder voice.

"Oh! By the way this is Lilith Rejori. She is my bestfriend" I pulled Lilith for a side hug. She awkwardly smiled at me then to everyone.

"Y/n! Oh My God you are alive!" I turned to where the voice was coming from. I saw rosé running towards. I softly smiled at her.

She pulled me in a tight hug, so tight that I felt like I could die for this love. "Did you miss me?" I asked. "Miss? I was in shock that you suddenly died"

Her eyes had tears in them making me pout. " jungkook really..." I immediately cut rosé off. "Oh about that! Yes Jungkook is actually dead! And you wanna know who killed him?" I loudly explained my words so that everyone could hear.

"Cha-" I was interrupted by someone shouting my name. I looked over to my right and saw Charlotte coming over to us with arms wide open.

Disgustion filled in me. I immediately pushed her as she stomped back. She gasped at me. "Don't!" I said walking over to the center with Lilith.

"Everyone! Ms.Charlotte and her father has killed Jungkook and Lilith's father!" I shouted as my voice eco in the silence.

"N-No! I didn't!" Charlotte started to panic. "Scared to admit now huh! Look at you." I said, walking over to her and looked her dead in the eye.

"You still haven't told me the reason though..." I put my hands in the pocket and acted like I was chill but I had a tight grip on a dager which was inside my pocket.

"Come on...Tell me. TELL ME!" I took a few steps back. "W-What are you talking about y/n... Charlotte killed J-Jungkoo-" Said mom (Jungkook's mom) but I cut her off by saying "and you were going to make her your daughter-in-law..."

I said with furiousness in my eyes. I walked over to Charlotte and slap her really REALLY hard on the cheek that she fell on the ground holding her cheek.

Author POV
Y/n was absolutely furious. She couldn't handle herself anymore. The only thing that would make her feel like she has done the main thing in life is to take Jungkook's revenge...

Y/n walked over to Charlotte and twisted her wedding her to the palm said and slapped Charlotte really hard on the cheek making her fall.

"Y/n!" Everyone shouted trying to get her away from Charlotte. Tears were steaming down her face. "Y-You KILLED ME HUSBAND! I LOVED HIM!!! YOU TORTURED HIM LIKE HE ISN'T A HUMAN!!! I SAW THE BURNED SKIN! I SAW THE BLOOD! I FELT THE LAST BREATHE OF JUNGKOOK!!!" Y/n screamed with all her might while Rosé and Lilith were trying to hold her back.

Y/n was absolutely livid while Charlotte didn't even budge. She was just looking at the blood coming from her cheek.

"Calm down y/-" said Rosé but was cut off by Y/n "NO!! I CANT ANYMORE...I REALLY CAN'T..." Y/n fell on the ground crying. "I can't..."

Y/n felt a stab on the heart. Exactly when she felt she was okay and she moved on. She didn't...

"You know what...I am not going to handle this anymore" while Charlotte's dad helped her get up, y/n got up on her own and walked over to Charlotte with a gun in her hand.

She took it out and immediately pointed it at her head...

"You deserve THIS!"

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