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I couldn't even sleep. Before our marriage, me and Jungkook used to sleep together cuddling and now it feels like when I close my eyes all the incidents repeat inside my head.

I shouldn't spend so much time laying down in my own thoughts.

I got up and walked outside of the room. My wound healed fully. Sometimes, when God wanted you to do your best. He does this.

Anyways, I walked outside and saw Lilith already awake. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and gave me a smile.

"She we get ready?" I asked. "Yeah, I got all the supplies" Lilith said as she held my hand and took me into a cellar.

There were lots of guns and amor. "H-How did you get all this?" I asked. I was pretty shocked that she has all this stuff.

"My dad used to supply this stuff to the Welines and their guards. Once they killed him I kept few of them with me" She proudly smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Doesn't look like a few to me" i whispered and took the dress in my hand. "Thank you..." I said getting all fired up.

"Ah! No worries. We should get read or else we would get late." She said as her hand reached the gun but I stopped her.

"Listen. We should just disappear fora few days and magically return after a that. I am sure they have declared me and Jungkook dead" Its time to get serious baby.

Its time to play your game...

Lilith nodded and pulled me out of the cellar. "Don't you want to see your parents?" A sudden question was out up by Lilith.

I looked over to her as he walked to the nearest bench. I sat over their and enjoyed the view of the snow.

"No. I don't want my parents to think I couldn't protect my husband or can't take his revenge." I signed before answering.

"Hmm...I understand. Should we do some work? Like train ourselves for the day" Lilith held my hand and pulled me to an empty archery area...I guess.

"Here we can practice archery at my right we can practice with swords and at my left there is an open ground. We can practise fighting there" giving my a big smile she passed me the bow and arrow.

For these few days we just kept on practicing and practicing. Day and Night. Its been like Ten days now and I still can't get Jungkook off my mind. I miss him so so much... Everytime I think about him my eyes get watery. He made me so happy...maybe I can meet him again in another world...

3 weeks later (The day)
Tieing my shoes tightly, I looked up to the rising sun. It was really early in the morning. We decided to wake up super easy to go over to the Weline land.

I sat on the bench after tieing my shoes. I pulled out a picture of Jungkook from my dress's pocket.

The little date we went on

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The little date we went on...

I kissed the picture and put it back into my pocket. "You ready?" Lilith made her way towards me and pulled me over to her.

"Yeah..." I said, coldly.

After jungkook left, I became cold. I used to be like this once in a blue moon...

Lilith just nodded her head and told me to follow her.

"The horses are here! Hop on" She got onto one of the horses, signalling me to get onto the other one.

(By the way, this is what you are wearing)

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(By the way, this is what you are wearing)

I made my way to the horse and jumped onto it. I yanked the horse's rope (I don't know what it's called so just deal with it bro).

We both made our way to our destination. It was a little far away so we can take a break in between.

I just want to know who ordered to kill jungkook because I am pretty sure it's not Charlotte for her father itself. There is someone who is behind all this.

My biggest target is Charlotte. She is the one I crave for...

Sorry babies. This chapter is a bit small and not with such a storyline. Its just I want to continue this in the next chapter.

Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prince Series)Where stories live. Discover now