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"Whatever she said...Its true" I shook my head over to yn as she looked away. "W-What" I sat onto my seat held her hands.

I carefully looked at them until some red dust started to form around them. "Oh my god..." Turning my head over to yn, she was quietly sobbing.

"Hey hey hey...Everything is fine..." I hugged her as she hugged me back and cried in my embrace. "Y-You are not gonna l-leave me right?" She said as I immediately shook my head as a no.

"Never in a million years"

After a few minutes, yn calmed down and finally decided to tell me everything.

"It might sound like a fairytale or that cringe stories. If you are not going to believe it then let's not talk about it" she said, in a very serious yet hurt tone.

"Look yn. I know everyone has a hidden past that they don't wanna tell to anybody. You have trusted me enough to tell me about it and that's truly an honour"

I held her hand and lightly brushed it. Her eyes got teary again. I kissed her forehead and said "tell me...I believe you...I know you won't lie to me"

I said as she began to tell me everything.

To be honest, the fact that her life has always been this hard gives me goosebumps. She sacrificed her everything just to see me again is just...Mind blowing. Maybe this is why she is my soulmate, isn't she?

"And now you are here infront of me..." Listening to everything yn was saying, it just gets me emotional everytime.

"And you did this just to see me again?" I asked, as tears started to build in my eyes. "yeah...because I loved you alot" A sob finally left from my mouth.

"Yn-ah...Let me seriously protect you...I want you to have a quiet and peaceful life now..." I said as she took my hand and out it on her heart.

I could hear it beating fast. "Will you?" She said as I nodded my head as a yes. "I swear I won't leave you again...Trust me" I said, holding on tight.

"I trust you...But if you break it now...then I seriously would die" she said as I looked upto her with red puffy eyes.

"I wouldn't let that happen..." Lightly putting my head back onto her chest, she put her hand onto my head and lightly carressed it.

"Jungkook-ah...I missed you so much. I wanted to be with you for so long." Said yn making me smile. I looked over to her and said "you have me now..."

I said as she slightly nodded and gave me a warming smile. "Sorry to bother you both but miss yn, we actually have to check up on you to see if you can go home or not so mr.Jeon would you give us time?"

Said the doctor as I nodded, kissing yn's forehead and went outside.

After spending a good 30 minutes outside, the doctors finally came and said

"Mr.Jeon yn is physically healthy but mentally she is absolutely destroyed. She can be discharged but I would like you to bring her here for daily check ups."

Said the doctor as I nodded. She gave me a smile and said "Is this your first time with a girl?" She asked as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Y-Yeah..." She laughed and said "I guessed so. You and yn are all over news." I nodded and shook her hand. "Thank you for today, I will bring her here at 5"

With that I left the conversation and entered the room where yn was. Few nurses and I helped yn to get discharged and safely reach home.

Once we reached home, yn sat on the couch with her head resting on the edge.

I brought her some water with medicines. After taking it she looking over to me and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Jungkook-ah...Will I end up in a science lab?" I asked making me look at her with confusion. "Who said?" I asked "Jelena" I frowned at her answer.

"There is so fucking way! I will not let that happen" Somehow, I didn't expect my answer to let yn hung her head low.

"You said that before also...You said that you won't let anything happen to me and then you were the one who left first!" She said with a little raise in her voice.

"Then why did you come again to meet me huh! If you don't trust me then why are you here!" I said with the equal raise in my voice.

"I-I..." I picked her up and made her sit on my lap. She looked over to me as I said "Trust me, the other jungkook must have been stupid for leaving a fairy like you. I will do everything to keep YOU captured with me for life. You are now trapped with me here okay"

I said making her smile. She hit my shoulder and said "the other jungkook is the best okay! Don't you dare say anything about him" said yn in a silly tone.

"But he isn't better than me is he?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her tiny waist. "You both are equal. He is jungkook and you are jungkook as well. You both are litrelly copies okay?"

I nodded my head and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry. I got this. Lets see what the news has for us" I said, taking the tv remote in my hand and switching on to the news chanel.

"Is Jeon Jungkook's wife an alien?"

"Yes! I saw her today doing something with her hands that is impossible for a human to do!"

To be continued...

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