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"Who was the lady you were first with?" I asked. He hesitated but answered "she is my fiancé" I slowly shifted my gaze to the ground, feeling sad. I don't know why but I feel really attached to him.

"You seemed happy with her...Do you love her?" He took my hand in his. "not really..." I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"She is my childhood friend. Her name is Charlotte. She is a Quarm." I nodded gripping tightly on his hand.

"Why don't you love her?" He intertwined our fingers. "Because...she doesn't have a great image among people." I gave him the "what do you mean?" Look.

"Actually she is spoiled. She got everything she wanted from the start. One day her father came up to me and said that she had a crush on me and wanted to marry me. I said yes because I knew her not because I love her. I still have choice if I want to marry her or not but only till 2 weeks, after that is my marriage..."

Jungkook ran his hand through his hair. I felt like he was getting frustrated so I tried to change the topic. "Uhh so, should we leave?" He nodded and took me home.

It was cold so I ran my hand on my body to warm it down. Suddenly I felt my shoulder getting heavier. Jungkook adjusted his coat onto my shoulder. "Aren't you gonna be cold?" He shook his head as a no.

We reached the castle and the gaurds let us in. "I'll be going now" I said and was about to walk away but Jungkook held my hand. "Where will you even go?" He asked as I pointed towards the dungeon.

"No y/n...Come with me" jungkook again dragged me inside the palace. I stopped him and said "jungkook! What if someone saw me. Come on look at me, in one look they would kick me out" I whisper-shouted.

He frowned and said "come on y/n, I just bought you clothes and anyway I am here with yo-" A woman's voice came from behind which cutted Jungkook's words.

"And what about me?" I turned and saw a lady fully dressed in Diamonds (The most supreme money 1 Diamond= 500 Dollars).

Is she Charlotte?

I looked over to Jungkook and saw that his expressions turned from Cool to serious.

"What are you doing with someone like...her. WHY IS SHE WEARING YOUR CLOTHES!" Charlotte snatched the coat from me shoulder but jungkook snatched it back.

"Charlotte! She is my friend" jungkook said in an angry tone putting the coat back on me.

Jungkook POV
"Charlotte! She is my friend" I said in an angry yet annoyed tone. Why does everyone focuses on her clothes?

"Oh!" She sarcastically laughed. "You were spending your whole day with her over someone like me? Didn't know your choice got so low" she gave y/n the side eye which made me more angry but I had to control it.

"She doesn't even look like she is from the Mairas and she dared to stay with the Welines? Come here you little-" Charlotte was about to grab y/n however I pulled her to my side and made her stand behind me.

"Ah! Jungkook!" I looked her dead in the eye and pointed over to the end of the hallway. She looked to where I pointed and frowned. "Stop it jungkook! Come on I am your fiancé" I just lowered my head and kept pointing at the end.

"Huh fine!" She stomp her foot and left. I turned around and saw a scared, cutely sniffing y/n, she looked like she was about to cry.

My eyes got soft. I took her cheeks in my hand and softly brushed them with me thumb. She didn't look at me in the eyes which bothered me.

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