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Warning ⚠️- The story line contains alot of violence and scenes that people might find inappropriate to read. Read at your own risk. Don't blame me afterwards.

Author POV
Y/n laid Charlotte onto a table and tied her legs and hands. "Bring the bucket." Y/n ordered one of the gaurd to bring a bucket of water and throw it at Charlotte.

She immediately woke up and looked around, seeing that she was tied just like how she tied jungkook.

Y/n smirked at Charlotte's stat. "You like it?" Said y/n but Charlotte didn't reply and just stayed still.

Both Lilith and y/n laughed at her and brought a huge Katana from the back.

Running a cloth across the sharp edge, y/n approached Charlotte. "Hey y/n! I will go look after her father" said Lilith as y/n nodded.

Lightly running the katana onto her bare skin and making small small cuts, then bigger and even bigger. Y/n isn't gonna stop today.

"AHH!" Charlotte screamed in pain making y/n happy. It was like tit for tat.

Putting down the katana, y/n picked up a lemon and rubbed it across Charlotte's body. Charlotte kept screaming in immense pain. "AHHH! PLEASE! PLEASE LET ME GO! I AM SORRY!!!"

Charlotte begged for forgiveness but y/n wasn't having it. "its just the beginning sweetheart" giving Charlotte a sarcastic smile, she walked over to the back and brought a lighter with her.

"N-No! NO! PLEASE NO!" Lighting up the lighter, y/n ran it across Charlotte's body, completely burning her skin.

Every pain, every fear, every regret that Charlotte got made y/n happy. Y/n thought she accomplished her dreams.

"Why do you want me to stop now? Do you regret it? Hah! SHE REGRETS WHAT SHE DID! DID YOU HEAR THAT! SHE REGRETS WHAT SHE DID!!! HAHAHAH!!!" Fully making fun of Charlotte, y/n talked like she was a psycho.

Everyone (the gaurds) laughed at her. "There is more coming honey... Don't worry." Sweetly smiling at Charlotte, y/n approached Charlotte and untied her with the help of some gaurds.

Taking her to the wall, they held her hands and legs and pinned her to the wall. "Now you will experience something new!" Said y/n, approaching Charlotte with a hand full of nails and a hammer.

Charlotte didn't even have any hope of living anymore...She knew she was going to die miserably.

Taking one nail at a time and pushing it inside Charlotte's skin with the help of a hammer. Y/n was loving it!

Every scream that came out of Charlotte's mouth made y/n satisfied. she and Jungkook deserved.

After finishing all the nails, y/n commanded the gaurds to hold Charlotte just like the way they were and not let her move.

Bring up a huge bat and hitting Charlotte's stomach with it for a final shot. Y/n knew that she won't be alive after that.

Turning into a absolute spawn of Satan, y/n killed Charlotte...

She took Jungkook's revenge...

"Don't even bother to bury her. Burn her to ashes" Commanded y/n.

I don't know if you are seeing this Jungkook but I hope you feel happy now...I hope I can see you next time in another world where we can live and die in peace, not in pain...

After burning Charlotte and her dad's body, me and Lilith were laying outside in a small structure made inside of a huge prairie watching the moon.

"Do you think he is satisfied and free now?" I asked Lilith about Jungkook. "I guess so...I hope he is..." Lilith sounded like she is still in deep sorrow.

I turned over to her and held her hand. "Thank you for being there for me. If you wouldn't have been there I would have just died" appreciativeness ran throw my heart.

"Oh! No no no no no! Its not just me, thank you for helping me seek my father's revenge as well" Lilith began to get teary which I noticed and immediately hugged her.

"I-I was very close him! H-He was like the only person who understood me. I wish I could get him back..." Mixed emotions ran through my head.

"Same story..." Whispered words came out of my mouth. I patted her back to calm her down because she started to breath heavily.

"Tomorrow we have to go back to the Weline's Land again...I have some work that is left to do" Lilith pulled away, questioning me on my statement.


"Just watch...How I snatch their happiness..."

I had everything planned for tomorrow. Tomorrow I will reveal myself to the world...

The Next day (Ready to leave)
"Everything ready?" I asked, hoping onto my horse. "Y-Yeah! You look great by the way" Said Lilith.

(Your look)

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(Your look)

"Thanks..." I said, yanking the horse's leash as it started to run.

Today is something very important...

Timeskip (At the castle)
Reaching the main gate of the Weline area. I slowly knocked on the door.

This time there were no gaurds to stop us. Actually the gaurds were with us on the mission.

Kicking the door open. We banged inside with the gaurds. "Arrest them!" I commanded as the gaurds followed.

Hand-cuffing Mrs and Mr.Jeon and every other person except for Rosé.

"Y-Y/n! What are you doing!" Mrs.Jeon shouted at me. "Like you don't know! We all have acknowledged the fact that you were also involved in killing Jungkook!"

Everyone's eyes were left wide open by the sudden confession. "W-What are you t-talkin abo-"

"Keep it! You decided to kill him because you didn't wanted HIM to be the king! You wanted to keep the throne to yourself didn't you!!"

My mouth isn't going to stop today. I promised Jungkook that I will kill the unfair and that is what I am exactly going to do!

"YOU CAN'T ARREST US! WE ARE THE WELINES!!!" Mr.Jeon started to get out of control but the gaurds held him well.

"Were...Were the Welines...Applying the Law 267. You are going to be arrested for killing a civilian. Oh no! Sorry, A Weline..."

I took the law book from the gaurds hand and opened page 45 and held it against his face.

"Take them!" I stood beside rosé, watching them getting dragged away. "I really can't imagine mom and dad did that..." Said rosé with a sad expression.

"I know right..." I said hugged rosé with a huge smile on my face..."you are such a weird person. Right now you were scary. And now you are all cute" Laughing at rosé, I hugged her even tighter.

"Thats just how I am..."

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