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"Why are there so many people gathered?" Asked Lilith. "I have some announcement to do." Answered y/n.

We came out to the gathering ground and invited everyone in the town plus the gaurds around the area.

I walked over to the mic and spoke my words. "Hello everyone! I am Jeon y/n...Jeon Jungkook's wife. I was married to him but he passed away 3 weeks ago..."

Everyone gasped at my statement and started to ask questions. "Guys! Guys! Guys! Listen up!" The gaurds tried to calm them down but someone shouted.

"How did he pass away! He was healthy!" I chuckled and answered "he was healthy and lovely but...He didn't naturally pass away...He was killed. By whom you ask. By his own family..."

Everyone was left in pure shock. Mr and Mrs.Jeon were chained, standing near the stage looking down in guilt.

People started to throw things at them. "Hey! Guys! Stop throwing things, its not worth it! They have gotten what they deserved." I pleaded the people.

"We want you to be our queen!!!" One of them shouted leaving everyone in shock. Even me...

"Yes! We want you to be our queen!" Everyone started to chant for me as the queen making me smile. I didn't plan this but it's what the people want.

"I just don't know what to say...If that's what you all want then...your wish wil be granted!" Everyone yay! at the statment

"We want you to be declared as the Weline Land's queen right now!" Agreeing at their opinions, one of the main maids went over to the the most gaurded place in the whole Fortmelister.

The place where the queen's crown was...

"Everyone! Gather at the same place at 6 in the morning tomorrow!" Annouced one of the gaurds to all the people. They all nodded and left the place.

I carefully walked down the stairs and thanked everyone for their help.

Next day at 6 in the morning
Carefully putting on my heel I looked over to myself in the mirror. The same way I looked at myself when I got married.

I miss Jungkook...I wish he would be here to see all this. I wish I didn't let myself be so soft. But it's too late to regret all this...I hope he is watching all this and happy about it.

"Y/n. We can go now" I turned around to the voice and saw rosé at the gate. "You good" she said, looking from up to down.

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Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prince Series)Where stories live. Discover now