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Is this man for real right now?

"J-Jungkook..." He backed up to his place and looked down at this thighs. "Sorry...I didn't mean to make you uncomforta-"

I immediately turned over to him and spoke "N-No... You didn't make me uncomfortable. I just... can't believe that you are helping me..."

I gave him a fake smile, looking straight in his eyes. "Of course yn! Anytime. I am your friend aren't I?" I nodded and stood up from the bench.

"Thank you..." He stood up and shook my hand. "Your very welcome... anyways, come with me. I need to grab something from my office."

He took my hand in his and dragged me into one of a huge castles (building).

We both walked inside and everyone looked at us as if we did something wrong.

Jungkook dragged me into a very small room. The door opened and closed itself? Thats weird (tHaT's sUsPiCiOuS)

He pressed a button and I suddenly got a weird feeling in my stomach. I held onto his arm. "W-What happened?"

I shock my head as a nothing and stood still. After a few seconds, the door again opened revealing a different place.

What in the world? Did we just teleport or something?

Jungkook walked out of the room as I did the same. We both walked over to a large gate, revealing a very weirdly designed room with a desk in the middle.

(She was talking about the lift)

Jungkook walked over to the table and took some papers in his hand. "Can you hold this for me yn?' he asked as I nodded.

I gave him a small smile and sat down on one of the sofas. This place was I don't even know what to explain this as...

Soon, jungkook came and asked me to follow him again to the same small teleportation room.

"Do you wanna change yn? That dress looks heavy" he asked making me shook my head as a no. "No no I am fine.." I said.

We came back to the previous hall and walked outside the castle (building).

Jungkook took the pile of paper from my hand and walked over to a guy. "Just a second" I saw a huge sign board and walked up to it.

It had something written on it. "Happy Birthday Jeon Jungkook...The C-CEO of Jeon C-Compan-ny?" Today is jungkook's birthday?

I looked back over to him. His expression didnt feel like it was his birthday.

I looked back over to the board and lowered my head. "I am hungry..." My stomach growl out of hunger.

Suddenly I felt a slight touch on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jungkook. "You are hungry? Why didn't you tell me. Come on, let's go eat something."

He held my hand and made me sit inside a car. I swear I don't wanna be such a burden to him...

The whole ride I kept my head down in embarrassment. I didn't wanted to face him this soon without even knowing anything...

Soon the car stoped and Jungkook got out and opened the door for me. I was pretty surprised at first but I got of the car and gave him a smile and a thank you.

He held my hand and walked inside a... restaurant? I guess so.

There were alot of people. Everyone busy in their own life. It was pretty loud but I melted into the surroundings pretty easily.

Jungkook took me to a table and told me to sit. I sat right next to him. "What would you like to eat?" He asked, making me panic.

Come on yn you have studied about their food, remember something. Aha!

"N-Noodles..." I said, scratching my head. He smiled at me and called someone. "Large noodles please" He said as the guy bowed and left.

Phew...That was a safe...

While we were waiting for the food, I kept looking outside. It was raining...It looked absolutely beautiful. I swear rains and snows are my favorite...

Jungkook looked over to where I was looking and chuckled "do you wanna bath in that?" My snapped out of my thoughts. "Sorry?"

"I said, do you wanna shower in the rain?" He asked making me shyly smile and nod my head. "Come..."

Jungkook took my head and dragged me out of the restaurant. Slowly the raindrops started to hit my body. I took of my heel and walked bare foot in the rain while Jungkook was standing there in the shade.

Roads were completely empty

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Roads were completely empty. There was no one but me, enjoying in the rain. I twirled around in happiness.

Author POV
While yn was enjoying in the rain, jungkook was busy admiring her.

She was completely wet and drippy. Its like she forgot about all her bad times and just enjoyed in the rain like a child.

"Come on Jungkook! Come here, its so much fun!" Yn pleaded, laughing and smiling with herself. Jungkook nodded and walked over to yn.

Yn seemed all delighted and happy. She was playing with the water on the ground when jungkook suddenly, lighty grabbed her wrist, making her look at him.

They both maintained the eye contain in the heavy rain. Jungkook heard the bells ringing right beside his ear. He loosen his grip from her hand and just leaned in...

To be continued...

Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prince Series)Where stories live. Discover now