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At night (y/n POV)
Taking my dress in my hand, I slowly walked over to the bank of the lake.

Closing my eyes, making red dust appear near my hands. Throwing it into the lake, making the lost queen appear.

"Are you ready?" She asked as I nodded my head. "You need to know what is going on before you go" a cushion appeared behind me as I sat on it.

Looks like she also has powers...

Doing something in the lake, Many pics of Jungkook started to float in the sky.

"Its been such a long time that jungkook has even taken birth in the dimensions we don't even know about."

I got shock like really? Its been that long?

"Every time he took birth, he died at the same age. 25. Weird isn't it? That's because this was his first birth. Now he is currently 23 and living on the earth as you know. But be careful, its very hard to live there."

Her concerns for me were obvious. I have heard and learn alot about other planets. Earth is one of the worst. (True)

I gulp and stood up. "Let's do it!" I closed my eyes and walked over over to the water. Cold water droplets touched my feet making me hiss.

I turned around and asked her a last question. "But what if he died at the same age?" She smiled and answered "That is exactly why I am sending you...You can avoid it"

My poker face turned into a huge blushy smile. Looking over to the water, it looked like it was ready to spawn me to another world so I just waved before I turned into sparkling starts which vanished into the dark.

Spawning into a completely crowded place, I looked around but only saw cars and large...castle? Are they Earth's castle? (Building).

Walking around a little bit, I was currently spawned near Jungkook only so I had to find him.

Everyone kept staring made me nervous. Maybe it's because of me dress. Man oh man...everyone is wearing these weird dresses.

Should I change into one like them too?

Nah. I will just stay like I am.

Taking my dress in my hands, I walked around the streets looking for Jungkook.

I asked many people if they have seen jungkook and showing a picture of him. Most of them said they know him but have never seen him except this one guy...

"Jungkook? You are talking about Jeon Jungkook right?" He asked making me tilt my head in confusion. "Y-Yeah..." He laughed out loud and held my hand, dragging me somewhere.

"There is Jeon Jungkook" I looked over to the place he pointed and saw Jungkook standing with few people wearing all black and many people around him?

My eyes got teary. Finally after a million years I saw him. "You wanna go to him?" I looked over to the guy who helped me and shook my head as a no.

"Not yet" he smiled at me and patted my head. "I am Taehyung By the way" He has such a beautiful smile...

I smiled back at him. "I am y/n. Jeo- Yn William!" Oh crap! I almost told him that I am also a Jeon.

He took my hand in his and wrote something on it. "Here, this is my number." Number? What number?

I faked a smile and bowed to him. "You don't need to bow! I am your friend right?" I hesitantly nodded.

"See you soon!" I quickly wanted to go out of the place so I ended the conversation and went my way.

I don't even know where to go...

He waved at me and turned around, simply walked away as well.

Taehyung POV
She is so pretty...who is she and is she a fan of Jungkook?

Back to yn POV.
It was night time pretty early. Maybe it was evening when I arrived...where will I even go?

I walked around a park, alone. My legs were tired. I looked around for a place to sit. There was an empty bench near a tree so I decided to sit over there.

Its always said that history repeats itself...I am back to where I was in the start...

A big sign left from my mouth. I could hear my stomach growling. I chuckled "what a start!" Lowering my head, taking my dress in my hands and I hugged my knee and closed my eyes until I felt a tap on shoulder.

"Um excuse me.." I lifted my head and looked around seeing no one?

"Can you mov-" I turned and saw the most unexpected...Jungkook...

He stopped in mid-sentence and just stared. "Wow...Oh! U-Um sorry haha! If you don't mind can I sit with you?" He stuttered making me laugh. "Yeah sure!"

I moved over to the left, making space for him. He sat just beside me and looked straight. He looked nervous?

"Uh. So hi! I-I am Jungkook" he suddenly spoke up, making me look at him in confusion...he really doesn't remember who I am...

"Hi, I am yn..." I calmly moved my hand for a handshake. We both shook our hands and just stared for a while...

"U-h I- um-" he just kept on stuttering making me worried so I slowly patted his back.

"You're okay right?" I asked. "Y-Yeah, actually I wanted to say that y-you are very b-beautiful..." My cheek became a light red shade. I just looked down in embarrassment.

Why do I have to act like a stranger with my own husband...he is still handsome though...

"Thank you..." I smiled over at him and he did the little gun shot acting. My laughter couldn't be held back anymore. I laughed out loud.

"Where do you live?" He suddenly asked. Okay now what do I say?

"A-Actually I am not that rich...I was kicked out of my house..." He slightly nodded and took my hand in his making me shocked but I didn't express it. He is still so quick in starting skin-ships.

"Where will you go now?" I lowered my head and said "I don't have a place to go..maybe I will spend the night walking around"

He looked over to me and gave me the 'are you serious' look. "Yeah!" I said.

"Come on yn, I am here. You are spend the night at my house. Its not a big deal" he said making me blush.

"U-Um, are you really going to trust a stranger? Like we just met!" I said, squishing my hand and getting a little more closer to my face. He gave me butterflies.

"I always follow my gut feelings, my gut feelings are never wrong. My gut feelings say that we are connected from another world. I trust you because you look and feel like the one to trust... You're even so beautiful!"

Is that a hint...?

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