Chapter-9 (Skip if y'all don't wanna see how jungkook was killed)

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Warning ⚠️- sensitive content ahead. Donot come up to me in the comment section for the story line. I will not respond.

The man opened the door and dragged me inside. I saw a someone tied to a table from head to toe.

My eyes widened when the man started to tie me to a chair. I couldn't do anything so I just let it happen.

You can't change your luck, can you?

I just hung my head low and closed my eyes. I wonder what is jungkook doing?

"Welcome!" A voice came from my front. I lifted my head up and saw Charlotte and her father. I was not even surprised, I knew they were doing this to me.

Charlotte came up to me and held my hair, making me hiss in pain. "You got what you deserved! THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!" She shouted but I just kept my eyes closed and a poker face.

I have experienced alot of things for me to give a reaction to this as well.

"SPEAK UP!" Her hand left my hair however it landed on my cheek, leaving it burning.

"Tell me! TELL ME! Do you like it? Does it feel good?" Charlotte took out a knife from her dress. Running the knife slowly onto my skin, it left a tiny scratch.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you...there is someone else I want to kill" While Charlotte was busy shouting at me, his dad was sitting aside watching.

She got up and went to the table. "Untie him!" She commanded the gaurds. My eyes were glued to the table.

They untied the guy (?) But left his facemask on. I think he was still unconscious. "Can you guess who he is?" Charlotte asked, laughing historically.

I shook my head as a no. She scoffed and said "you don't know? Okay." They started to tie the man again on the table and brought a bucket of water.

He did wake up but I still didn't know who he was. They took of his mask which left me shock. "Jungkook..." His name left my mouth.

"Hi jungkook!" Charlotte said running the knife onto Jungkook's bare skin.

Author POV
It was their bad luck... Jungkook tied to the table and y/n tied to the chair at his right side, having a clear view of him.

Back to y/n POV
Tears started to build up in my eyes seeing Jungkook tied like that. He looked over to me and just closed his eyes.

"I don't want to kill you y/n...I want him...We want him" said Charlotte, making me angry. She lightly slide the tip of the knife onto Jungkook's body.

I just watched her closely. Tears were streaming down my face, not wanting to let anything happen to Jungkook.

Charlotte brought the knife upto his chest and started to make cuts on his body. He screamed in pain whereas I shouted to stop.

She stopped and laughed. "Aww man...look at you" she smirked and throw the knife. Signalling something to the guard, she approached me. "Watch carefully"

Walking over to Jungkook, she took the lighter and a candle from the guard's hand. Lighting it up, she started to pour the wax all over his body.

Jungkook just closed his eyes, taking all the pain in. "STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I screamed. She look at me and put the candle aside.

I tried to open up the ropes but they were so tight that my hand was completely red.

I again looked over to Jungkook over to see him breathing heavily. "My baby..." I said under my breathe. She looked at me as if she heard it. Giving me a huge smirk she bought a belt.

I immediately started to shouted. "Charlotte! CHARLOTTE PLEASE KILL ME BUT NOT HIM! CHARLOTTE!!!"

I was trying my best to get out of the chair. "No." Charlotte turned around to Jungkook and started to beat him with a belt. "No!!!!" I started to cry harder, screaming in pain that jungkook was feeling.

I looked up to my front when I didn't hear any kind of sound coming up from Jungkook. He was looking at me and gave me a small smile. "I am okay..." He lip synced the words, making me cry harder.

"I love you..." Whispered jungkook. I started to move my head from left to right.

"Sorry jungkook but you gotta die!" Charlotte came in with a huge man. He looked like he craved jungkook.

They untied jungkook and started to beat him. I closed my eyes, not waiting to see such sight.

After sometime they untied me as well. I quickly got up and ran up to Jungkook who's body was laying down on the floor lifeless.

I picked his head up and put it on my lap. Charlotte and his father left the place.

I tried to pick up jungkook and take him outside but he stopped me. "I-Its of no use Y-Y/n..." Jungkook struggled to get words out of his mouth.

"I love you..." Jungkook, for the last time put his hand on me cheek before it collapsed on the ground. I couldn't believe what just happened.

Cuts all over his body, Burned skin, blood flowing out of his mouth...

All I could do was sit there holding him and cry my heart out. He still held my hand like he wanted to protect me...

There is no way in hell I will let them get out of this that easily...I will come for you...

Nah bro the story is not ending yet. I feel like a demon becoz of this 😭sorry to all y'all Jungkook biased.

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