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"J-Jelena, N-No" I immediately dropped my hands. Jelena, with a smirk slowly walked over to me and pinned me to the wall.

"Well well well...Look who is a liar. You are not even from this world...Just wait, I will see you in a water capsule in a science lab"

With that she left the room, leaving  me absolutely shaking. I really don't know what to do now. If I go back to Fortmelister then I can't come back.

Jungkook doesn't even know this...Will he leave if he knows this.

Tears started to build in my eye but I quickly brushed them off. I ran out of the room, anxiously looking after Jelena.

I ran through the whole floor but didn't find her anywhere.

I went over to the stairs, took off my heels and started to looked around for Jelena.

I saw her right over to the ground floor. I teleported myself to the 3rd floor so people don't think that I am suspicious.

I ran over to her as she saw me and immediately started to run. I saw Jungkook standing new the door and immediately stopped.

He saw Jelena but not me so I sneakily hid myself in a storage room.

My breathe hitched as my body threw itself onto the ground.

Oh my god...Is this the end? This is how I will be killed or kept in a science lab for the rest of my life?

Come on why always me! There are other people in this empty, vacuumed, black space as well...Why always me...

Tears were leaving from my eyes. I got up from the ground and wiped my tears, took few deep breathes and walked outside.

Everyone was busy on their own...Great, better for me to not stay here.

I walked outside of the building and sat onto the park nearby the building.

Yup, its the same one that made me and Jungkook meet.

I sat on one of the benches and hung my head low. It was getting dark and cold.

Frustration was slowly taking over me. I wanted to destroy everything. Pulling my head backwards, I rested it onto the edge of the bench and closed my eyes.

"Gosh, you are here! I was finding you everywhere" A very familiar voice came from behind. I turned around and saw a worried Jungkook.

I approached me and next to me on the bench. "Everything okay? You look like you cried" he asked, slowly carressing my cheek.

"No nothing..." I lightly shook off his hand but he put it back onto my cheek.

"No! There is! Tell me..." I scoffed at him then looked away and said "Go ask Jelena..."

I looked at Jungkook as his expressions got serious. "Did she do something?" He asked. "No...Maybe she will in the future"

He kissed my cheek and said "don't worry, if you are not comfortable in answering then I will go and ask Jelena"

He got up, gave me a smile and then left.

Can he stop being such a sweetheart? Like- I can't anymore! Why does love have to be that way...

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the bench. My stomach started to growl from hunger. I just closed my eyes and rested for awhile.

After sometime, i got up from the bench and walked over to the building. I asked the lady that answers all the questions in the building (receptionist) where Jungkook was.

Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prince Series)Where stories live. Discover now