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It was cold.

She had experienced the cold in England but never like this. December was always fun. With christmas and snow, when she was a kid, Cassidy used too see her family for christmas. She missed them. she was 14 but knew better than to expect christmas presents anytime soon.

She lay in bed, or the closest thing she had to a bed, and stared at the ceiling, thinking. The loud beep of her cell opening broke her away from her thoughts.

"Morning sweetheart, hope i didn't wake you from your precious beauty sleep"

"Don't call me that rumlow. i'll dropkick your ass."
Cassidy snapped.

"You got training, with the soldier be out there in ten." the agent replied,rolling his eyes at the brit.


"Hey" Cassidy said,smiling softly as she walked into the room with the soldier, earning a quiet 'hm' in response.

"it's your season" the young girl said while putting her curly, brown hair in a low bun.

the man across the room shot her a confused glance. "what?"

Cassidy chuckled quietly to herself, laughing at her own joke.

"it's winter. get it? you're the winter soldier" her english accent coming off extra stong when she said winter, making it sound like she said 'wintah'.

The long haired man put his metal arm up to his head and gave the giggling teenager a look to say 'its 6 in the morning, at least wait 'till 9 to start with your weird cassieness' which made her laugh even more.

the winter soldier had always trained her. When she was 12 she even had a crush on him, which gets her embarrassed every time she thinks about that. He was her best friend, and even though he wouldnt admit it, she was his.

After an hour of fighing they were interrupted by a loud cough, which turned the soldiers attention towards the entrance.

Cassidy took advantge of that and kicked him in the back of his knee, hooking one of her feet to his ankle and shoving his shoulder, causing him to faceplant on the floor.

"ha ha" Cassidy says, watching the tall man get up from the floor.

"i was distracted that doesnt count" He said while swinging his arm above his head to put it back into place.

"sure it doesn't" the brunnet responed, nodding sarcastically.

"Alright lovebirds thats enough, we all have missions to get to." A strong russian accent made Cassisys head move so fast she hurt her neck.

"Yelena!" she exclaimed excitedly, throwing her arms around the blonde.

"i missed you" she said still hugging the older woman.

"i missed you too, English" she replied, her accent coming off very strong.

it was one of the thing Cassidy loved about Yelena. Well, that and pretty much everything else about her.

Pulling away from the hug, Cassidy asked "what are you doing here? i thought you were in Sokovia."

"i was, and soon you will be too." the assasin responded to the younger girls question.

"What does that mean?" she asked, slightly shaking her head, causing some loose curls to bounce around her face.

She tucked them behind her ear while listening to her friend say "they are taking you there to be enhanced." Yelena said, a slight look of worry in her face.

Over the years of her life, even before HYDRA, Cassidy had became very good at reading emotions. especially when it came to people she cared about.

Her father left before she was even born, leaving her mother to look after her and her older sister, Olivia. Her family was all dead by now. HYDRA killed them and made her watch. They figured trauma would make a person stronger, mentally and emotionally. They were right.

Cassidys brown eyes studied her friends face and saw many emotions. Happiness, from seeing her best friend after 3 months. Anger, worry and stress. She couldn't figure out why.

"whats wrong? why are you sad?" the curly haired girl asked, worry spread over her face.

"Not many people survive this. theres only been 2, twins, whos parents were killed in bombings 6 years ago." Her strong accent coming out even more meant that you could hear the worry in her voice.

"i'll be fine. i promise" Cassidy replied, holding out her ring finger. it was a thing they did. theres a vein in your ring finger that goes straight to your heart, making it a heart promise, or a promise from the heart.

Yelena looked unconvinced, but hesitantly put her ring finger around Cassidys and shook it. Cassidy let go and pulled the blonde into a tight embrace and whispered in her ear.

"after i get enhanced i'll be more powerful than all these nazi bastards and we'll break outta here, take soldat and then go watch the little mermaid and sing a long to all the songs."

Yelena pulled away and said "what about the mcdonalds? are we not going to eat?"

"oh no, yeah, we'll definetly get mcdonalds. 100 percent. Mcnugget sharebox and fries?" the teen asked, grinning.

"now how could i say no to that?" the older assasin replied, chuckling. "see you in sokovia?"

"You know it." Cassidy said while walking off.

"come on sebastian."the young girl said while playfully grabbing the winter soldiers arm and pulling him along with her.

"who's sebastian?" he asked, confusion could be heard in his deep voice.

"He's a crab that sings"


She sat in the jet, next to her friend, leaning on his metal arm.

"we're here." a man said, in russian. it took a few minuets for Cassidy to understand what he said. She was fluent in French, Spanish, Italian and countless others but those were the ones she used most.

She had only just started learning russian.

Cassidy and soldat (what cassidy calls bucky) got out of the jet and walked up to the HYDRA facility.

"You're late." a voice behind them called out. The accent gave away who it was, so Cassidy didnt even need to turn around to see who it was.

"sorry Yelena" Cassidy said before turning around to face her friend, but Yelena was already walking past them into the HYDRA facility.

I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER btw there wont be any bucky romance in this book bcs he's like her mentor or whatever and that would just be weird but in the next chapter cassidy meets wanda and pietro:)))))

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