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Pietro has been a mess lately. Cassie told us that she'd call once she got there and here we are a week later, still waiting.

"You miss her don't you?" I asked my brother, he had been staring at the woods for the past 10 minutes.

I remember how him and Cassie would sneak off there and just run. She told me about it every time. I've never wanted a boyfriend or any romantic relationship, but seeing how Cassie was with Pietro made me wonder what it would be like to find someone.

She was- is happy with Pietro. I can't help but think that HYDRA got her and sent her to drakov with Yelena. Or worse, killed her.

My twin finally responded,
"Do you not?"

"Of course I do." I was angered by that. I have matching tattoos with the girl for gods sake, how could I not?

"Then why did you ask?"

I don't know why I asked. I was trying to be nice but I guess some people don't appreciate it.

I walked out, rolling my eyes.


Wanda walked out, I had been pushing her away for the past couple days. I miss Cassie. I want to see her, and hug her and be there with her. I don't want to be away from her. Apart from my sister, she is all I have left.


"Lady?" Cassie questioned, looking at the god.
"Yes, it's an asgardian term for a well respected woman." Thor replied, smiling at the young girl.

Everyone looked at Thor, confused as to what he had just said. No one in this room knew Cassie well enough to know if they respected her.

Natasha was told that Cassie had betrayed Yelena to get away from HYDRA, but her plan backfired and HYDRA took her too.

Steve was told that she had blamed Peggy for the death of her sister and parents.

Maria was nearly killed by her 2 years back, she was only twelve at the time, but managed to shoot her in the back of her shoulder and nearly kill her.

Fury hates her.

Tony was too busy blaming himself for his other daughters death to know how he felt about Cassie.

Clint wasn't really paying attention to what anyone was saying.

Bruce banner however, felt bad for her. He could see the fear and pain in her purple eyes.

He read her file and knew about her being hulk. When he became hulk he was glad that he was the one who had taken the serum.

That way no one else would have to feel the pain he did. Now he realised that he was wrong. Someone did.

And it was the girl sitting in front of him, bouncing her leg and looking around anxiously.

"Are you alright? I can get you some water if you want.." the scientist asked the tense teen, hoping she would feel more comfortable.

She could read the emotions presented on his face. Worry, sympathy and regret. He wanted to help her.
"No thanks, I'm fine." Cassie replied, focusing her gaze on the man.

A small smile spread across her lips, knowing that there was at least one decent person here. No one noticed apart from banner- and Tony who couldn't stop thinking that it was his fault.

His fault that she was taken.

His fault that her sister died.

His fault that she had her mind taken over.

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