27 | TIME

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"Scott, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"He's saying we could go back in time and get the stones."

Natasha responded to her wife, nodding her head.

"Snap our own fingers, bring everyone back."

Steve agreed while Cassie's mind went to a thousand possibilities.

"What if it doesn't work? We screw it up even more."

"This is a second chance Cass-"

"Steve, I have my second chance. I can't lose Athena or Natasha."

The redhead interjected, moving closer to Cassie.
"Cassidy, I love you but we have to try. Think about Yelena and Wanda. Wouldn't they want to meet their niece?"

"I can't risk losing Athena. Do this without me, I'm going home."

She walked out and got into her car, driving back to her house where she was met with an unhappy Happy.

"Hey, you're home early. Does this mean I can leave?"

"Yep. Take the day off, I'll stay here with Athena."

Happy got up off the couch and patted her on the shoulder while walking out.

"I'll be back tomorrow 12:30!"

"Bye Happy!"

"See ya'!"

The door shut and Cassie made her way into the dining room where her five-year-old was colouring something in with crayons.

"Mommy! You're back! Can we get McDonald's? I really wanna cheeseburger."

"Of course sweetheart. Come on then, let's go right now."

A blue energy ball appeared and Athena was gone, Cassie chuckling to herself and going back to the cat where she saw her kid already in the back with her seatbelt on.


"I crashed my car into a bridge!"
"I watched I let it burn!"
"I threw your shit into a bag!"
"And kicked it down the stairs!"
"I crashed my car into a bridge!"
"I don't care!"
"I love it!"

The two sang and Cassie got a nostalgic feeling, remembering all the times her and Peter had sang songs on the way to McDonald's.

When they got back, Natasha was sitting on the couch with a bag of Doritos.

"Didn't get any for me?"

"Auntie Nat!"

Athena jumped onto the redheads lap and Cassie took a seat next to her, leaning her head on her shoulder while Natasha put an arm around Cassies shoulders.

The family watched a movie and then fell asleep, waking up the next day to a phone ringing and hearing the national anthem playing.

Cassie groaned and answered


"Cass? Why are you on Nat's phone?"

"Why are you calling? Steve, it's so early!"

"It's 12:25 in the afternoon, and we figured it out."

"Figured what out? That you're gay and in love with Bucky?"

"What? No, time travel. Tell Nat to be here ASAP."

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