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I woke up to a stinging pain in my thigh. I looked down and saw stitches and a bandage on my leg where I dropped my knife. There were clothes on the end of my bed with a not on top that read

Get dressed and press the red button on the wall. There's crutches if you need help getting up :)

I stood up and instantly fell back down. Great. I had to get changed sitting down which was .. problematic to say the least. The crutches were broken and I was sitting on the floor in black baggy sweatpants, struggling to get the white long-sleeved crop top on.
When I finally got it on I looked like this but with the sweatpants on my hips:

When I finally got it on I looked like this but with the sweatpants on my hips:

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I sat on the floor and threw a pillow at the button as an attempt to push it. When it didn't work I crossed my legs and grabbed a crutch and hit the button hoping it would work.

Nothing happened. Great. I hit it a couple more times and was still hitting it when Natasha and fury walked in - except I was lying on my back on the floor with my feet in the air and waving my crutches around trying to press the button.


"Are you.. ok?" Fury said halfway through the door, a confused look on his face.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm great. I love not being able to feel my leg and then getting stuck on the floor." Cassie replied, sarcasm present in her voice.

"What the- are you alright?" Natasha walked past Fury into the room.

"I'm stuck."  The teen stated, turning her head to look at the older woman.

She picked Cassie up bridal style and placed her on her bed.

"Come on, your presence is required in the meeting room." She said, handing the British girl her crutches.

"Aight." Cassie picked up the crutches and immediately fell on the floor.

"I'll go get cap." Fury suggested before leaving the room.

Natasha helped the younger girl back up.
"So how do you know Yelena?" She asked, not wanting to waste time.

Cassie laughed quietly, remembering memories of her friend.

"She's my best friend. She trained me- well her and James-" Cassie was cut off by Natasha


"James Barnes.. y'know like.. the winter soldier?" The curly haired girl said, confused as to how she had never heard of him.

"Was he your partner? Did you two go on missions together?" The redhead asked, staring at the teen.

"What's the problem? Fury said you needed help with something." The blonde questioned, interrupting the conversation.

"She can't walk. I need you to carry he-"

"I do NOT need to be carried." Cassie didn't like the  idea of someone carrying her around. It reminded her of when Pietro used to pick her up and run into the woods near the HYDRA base.

She zoned out a bit and traced the letters on her right wrist while chewing the inside of her cheek.
"What's 'WM'?" Steve asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Cassie quickly pulled her sleeve down
"None of your business."

"At least let me help you walk ther-" Steve tried to grab her arm to help her up.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted, Cassie knew his intentions were good and he was trying to be nice but now all she could think about was Pietro and Wanda.

"Ultraviolet listen,"Natasha started but was quickly interrupted.

"That's not my name. Its Cassie."

Natasha looked at Steve and them back at Cassie and   asked

"What's your last name?"

"Sinclair." Cassie snapped, knowing what Natasha was implying.

"And who's your father?" Natasha knew Cassie knew but she just needed to be sure.

"You already know that." The short tempered teen said, giving Nat a death stare.

"Do you?" She asked, again, if Cassie knew who her father was.

"...yes." She responded quietly.

"And who is that?" Steve said, walking closer to the bed Cassie was sitting on.

"Tony. Stark." Cassie replied, staring the blonde man down.

Steve was about to say something but fury came in yelling

"What in gods name is taking you so long? We have been waiting for 10 minutes! Get yo asses in that room right now!"


Cassie reluctantly let Steve hold her upper arm to help her walk, while Natasha had her arms around Cassies waist to stop her loosing balance.

The trio walked into the room with Cassie tripping over Steve's feet in the entrance, earning confused glances from everyone in the room.

She looked around, recognising everyone in the room; Fury, Bruce Banner- who looked like a lost puppy- Clint Barton and Maria hill(who were arguing like siblings about something in the corner of the room- which ended with Clint getting a slap round the back of his head from Maria), Thor-the man with the weird hammer- seemed to be laughing at Maria slapping Clint, and Tony stark, her father. The two stared each other in the eye for about 10 seconds before Natasha helped Cassie to a seat and sat down next to her.

"So, ultraviolet-" Thor started but was cut off
"Cassie. Ultraviolet isn't my name. It's Cassie."

The room fell silent for a moment before Thor continued

"Apologies, lady Cassie."

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