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The ship landed with a thud and the god of thunder got out, closely followed by Cassie, leaving the other three in the ship.

"Glad to see you two are alright, where's the other one and the baby?"

"Loki's dead. Same with lady Cassidy's son."

Valkyrie's smile faded and she awkwardly patted Cassies shoulder, muttering an apology.

"We're going to space, could do with some company?"

"I'll get my stuff."

The brunette walked away and Thor walked back to the ship, leaving Cassie to talk to Korg while she waited.

"What happened to your stuff?"

"This is my stuff."

"Val, that's four crates of vodka."

"Yes, I know."

She paused and gestured towards the ship, waving goodbye to the pile of rocks and following the warrior inside.

"Danvers, this is Valkyrie."


The Asgardian nodded and 'subtly' looked her up and down.

"Hey, carol Danvers. Captain Marvell."

"Just say marvel, dude."

Rocket interjected, it seemed the two had been arguing about her title for a while now.

"Shut it panda."


"Do not disrespect the rabbit, fair lady."

"This is gonna be great."

"Does anyone want vodka?"

Multiple people spoke over each other and they could all tell that this was going to be a bit of a dysfunctional group.

I mean, take what's happening in the ship right now.

Thor and his 1800s Britain English. Rocket and carol repeatedly saying 'marvel' and 'Marvell'. Nebula quietly whispering 'kill me now' over and over, to herself. Valkyrie had already finished a crate of vodka and Cassie was sipping a chocolate milkshake while sitting on a beanbag with a faux leather jacket and some sunglasses that covered half her face.

This group practically screamed 'mental instability' and none of them cared enough to change that.

It would make a great reality show though. Kind of like a 2012 avengers tower fanfic would make a great show.

*cough* @ marvel *wink wink*

"That's not how it works dipshit!"

"That is how it works! You put the wire in there and then BOOM!"

".. maybe rocket is smart? Never mind, that doesn't even sound right,"

"I am smart!"

"You put the wire in here!"



Shouting took over the room and the words spoken became harder to understand as the duo spoke over each other.

"Shut it!"

"Sorry captain."

"Sorry cap."

Although the two had sky high egos, they both always listened to captain Danvers, her being like a sort of mother to two grumpy teenagers, well, three if you count Thor.

Of course, rocket and Cassie weren't teenagers anymore, they were all adults now.. well, maybe not mentally.

They did just have a full on knife fight over the last slice of pizza.

God knows how long they would be here.

Nebula sat in the corner, slightly smirking at the two, knowing she had caused the fight when she pointed out the wiring of the bomb.

Carol and Valkyrie were at the front of the ship, driving while mostly tuning out the duo's argument.

And Thor sat eating his pop tarts. Big surprise.

Smell the sarcasm?

The six had been in the ship, travelling around space for six months now and Cassie had gotten a lot more pregnant. so now they were flying her back to earth, where maybe she would raise a child. She was eight and a half months pregnant now and expecting it in a couple weeks.

Thor was going to stay with her for his niece and Danvers and Valkyrie would be going on their own ship.

Rhodey was going to space with nebula and rocket for a while, so that was a surprise.

Cassie had already got a place. A big enough house far away from anyone else.

But, she would be spending the night at the avengers compound.. with Natasha.

No one else was there. Six months since the snap and everyone had tried to get as far away from anyone else as possible.

The ship landed with a this and Cassie got out, walking slowly towards the compound. She waved goodbye to her friends and wandered through the door to be met by a familiar face.

"Cassie.. you're back."

"Yea, um.. I wanted to, uh, apologise for kis-"

She was cut off by Natasha grabbing her face and kissing her. The two stayed like that for a while before Cassie screamed.

"What!? What's wrong?!"


———8 hours later———

"Wow, I can't believe I pushed that thing out of my vagina."

"I- Cassie.."

"Right, sorry Steve."

"And I sat here and watched."

The two girls kissed again and Cassie hugged her baby while Steve sat with a proud look on his face.

"What you gonna name it?"

"Athena. Athena Lokison."

"Got a middle name?"


Natasha smiled sadly and put her arm around Cassies shoulders, pulling her closer.

"Oh I can finally wear jeans again."

She chuckled quietly, trying to diffuse the tension after the mention of her friends name.

Bruce came into the room and gave Cassie a tight hug, saying hi to the youngest Stark and the other avengers.

"Tony's on his way."

He said, just as they heard a car pull up outside and a few moments later her father walked in to greet his grandchild.

"What you name her?"

"Athena Wanda Lokison."

"You forgot Stark."

"She can have two last names."

A/N there's a Natasha fanfic that's already completed on my page so pls check that out!!
Ok I have zero ideas for a plot to this so there would be slow updates
Love ya <3
-ur mum;))

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