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Cassie point of view

We stepped through the portal and looked at each other. It was a couple minutes before I decided to say something.

"So still no memory huh? I'd make a joke but you wouldn't get it."

What the fuck was that. What kind of joke would I be making right now? Oh yeah we used to be friends but... you know.. we're not.

Maybe my powers could bring his memory back? Worth a shot. I turned around but before I could do anything there were arms around my waist, hugging me.

"Soldier?" Well this isn't confusing at all.

"Shut up Cassie. Hug me back, you want to." The soldier responded.

I hugged him back. It was weird. It felt.. forced? Like he didn't mean it.

"Bucky?" I let go of the hug and looked at him.

"Who's Bucky?" He replied, confusing me even more.

"What do you mean? You're Bucky." Did he even remember me? Why would he hug me?

" I am the winter soldier." What happened to him? A minute ago he remembered me? Now he doesn't?
I'm gonna read his mind.

No ones point of view

Her eyes glowed purple, illuminating the dark room they were in.

"What are you doing?" The soldier asked.

"Finding out what the fuck is going on."
Cassie replied, angry with the soldier for what had happened.


Pierce: I need you to pretend to know her. Call her Cassie hug her. Tell her to hug you back. Say that you know she wants to.

Rumlow: and if she questions it?

Pierce: she won't.

Rumlow: how do you know?

Pierce: she's a woman, she's too dumb to notice anything out of the ordinary.


"Too dumb huh?" The brunette questioned, visibly angry.

The soldier did not say anything. Still not in control of his own head.

But Cassie had something they didn't have. Powers. And strength. She could warp reality. Control minds. Stop time, open portals to anywhere in the universe, move things with her mind, kill someone by looking at them. She was a super soldier, a stark and the hulk. She was asgardian.

Cassie was the most powerful being in the universe. Her powers had no limits. That girl could do things that she didn't even know about. All she needed to do was find the antidote to mind control.


New York | HYDRA base

{Cassie and pierce are arguing}

"I'm not killing them!" Cassie yelled, angry. Her fingertips turned green. She was hulking out.

"You will kill Steve rogers and Natasha romanoff weather you like it or not!" Pierce was testing her.

He knew Yelena had told Cassie about Natasha but wanted to see exactly how far she'd go to keep the soldat safe.

"Steve?" The soldier called out from the back of the room.

Everyone went silent.

Pierce walked towards him, Cassie shot purple streaks from her fingers looking this the winter soldiers memory for Steve Rogers.

Pierce noticed this and shot at her, knowing that he would loose control over the soldier if his memories came back.

The bullets went through her and landed on the ground behind her.

(A/N: like in wandavision when Hayward shot at Tommy and billy and Monica jumped in front)

" im leaving. Soldat." Cassie announced, calling the soldier to follow her. He complied.

"Soldier stay here." Pierce called out. He knew Cassie wouldn't leave without him.

"I'm sending you to sokovia" Cassie turned around to argue but then noticed that he wasn't talking to the soldier, he was talking to her.

"What?" She asked, not wanting to leave her friend.

"Agents, grab her. One move and we kill Barnes." Pierce threatened.

Cassie let herself get dragged out by agents, not taking her eyes off her friend. He looked like a sad puppy dog.

'I'm sorry' he mouthed, silently telling Cassie that he remembered her. They knew HYDRA would wipe his memory again. But this wasn't goodbye. More of a 'see you later'.

Three months later | HYDRA base , sokovia

Cassie and pietro have been dating for two months, Wanda and Cassie have become quite close. SHIELD is still looking for Cassie. The winter soldier got his memory back and escaped.


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