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  Cassidy was standing in the middle of the room, Loki's septer glowing in front of her.

"Walk forward and grab the gem."

The teen complied and reached out. The stone glowed yellow and light filled the dark room. Cassidy felt like she was being stabbed over, and over again.

Until it stopped.

She didn't feel anything.

The young girl collapsed on the floor, purple energy radiating from her. Agents rushed in, one tried to get her on a stretcher but was electrocuted and died. Another tried. They fell to the floor, purple light streaks flew out of Cassidys unconscious body.


She woke up in an unknown place.

"Cassie!" The girl felt a presence next to her and then she was being pulled up to a sitting position. She crossed her legs and rubbed her eyes.


"Hey. Hey it's me" the blonde replied, worried about her friend.

"What happened?" Cassidy asked, visually confused.

"You were enhanced."

Suddenly Cassidy felt very dizzy, hearing lots of different voices at once. She held her hands over her ears, shaking her head.

"Stop." She said, her skull felt like it was splitting.

"Stop. Stop. STOP!" She shouted, crying.

"Cassie?" A mans voice called out.

"Hey, hey, look at me." He said, taking her hands off her head and facing her towards him, her head in his hands.

"It hurts."  The dark haired girl said, tears staining her cheeks.

" I know doll, but you have to shut it out, ok?" Her friend said, trying to comfort the confused teen.

"Ok. Ok. I'll shut it out."

she shut her eyes trying to focus on one voice at a time. When she did, she shut them out completely.

"Are you ok?" Yelena asked, her strong accent
breaking Cassie out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah I think I am, thanks." She assured.

"Good, because your going back in." A voice at the entrance called out, turning the trios attention to that direction.

"Strucker, you can't, she'll die. " Yelena said, obviously angry.

"Too bad. Agents, grab her." After he said that, several men with guns came in, pointing them at Yelena and the soldier, causing them to back up.

One of the ones pointed at yelena was shot.

"NO!" Cassidy called out, her hand reaching out towards her friend. Purple light came out of her hand. The bullet stopped midair, a purple glow stopping it (like in the picture at the top).

Yelena looked confused. Cassidy moved her hand, the bullet moved with it. She shoved the bullet through the agent who shot the guns head.

He fell to the ground. Strucker grinned. "Perfect. Now, we can make you even more powerful if you come with me."

Cassidy looked at yelena, who shook her head, telling her not to go. She looked at the soldier, his metal arm around her, resting on her waist, helping her to stand. He whispered to her. "Don't do it, it's not worth it."

She looked at him, confused. "If I do this, we can leave."

He hesitated, studying her big, brown eyes. "Fine, I'll help you walk."


The teaseract was on the table at the side of her.

"Pick up the cube." A voice ordered over the speaker.
She walked towards it, looking at the blue glow. Her small hand grabbed it, instantly, her silver rings dissolved into a pile of ash on the floor.

She dropped it and the cube shattered. Alarms went off, the lights went off and started flashing red.

"Cassidy get out of there." She could hear the soldier shout through the glass behind her.


She ignored him, staring at the orange gem in front of her. Cassie knelt down onto the cold, stone ground and picked the stone up.

Again, purple streaks shot through her body. She glowed purple, hovering in the air. The door opened, men ran in grabbing her arms, dragging her back to the cell. The tesseract slowly put itself back into the cube it once was.

Her head was spinning, but she could make out a gun in front of her. Her energy was drained and she couldn't move.

The gun was fired and she felt numb. Darkness took over her vision, as her eyes slowly closed and she fell unconscious.

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