18 | EARTH

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"Lady Cassie, how great it is to see you."

"It's good to see you too Hemidall, mind taking me to earth?"

"Not at all."

He smiled and in a flash Cassie was in front of the avengers compound, only to walk into a very empty building.
The avengers were no where to be found.

Knowing that her Asgardian friend could see her, the brunette looked up
"Stark tower?"

Once again everything around her flashed and she was in front of her father's building. She looked around the tower, searching for her father and friends.
When she finally found her father she noticed something had changed.

It was quiet. She went on to the 17th floor, where the avengers were before ultron destroyed the tower. There was no noise at all. When she lived there with them it was never even relatively quiet on that floor, not with Sam and his trouble man soundtrack. Or Bruce moving around in his lab. Natasha and her serial killer documentaries always playing on the tv. Thor shutting a window and accidentally breaking it, forgetting how strong he is. Clint and Maria arguing about stupid things - like when Clint said that the sun was a planet and Maria borrowed the rounders bat from Steve to whack him round the head. The occasional noise of a plate smashing or Steve accidentally knocking a glass over and it shattering on the floor.

In Asgard it was always quiet. Something Cassie liked. It meant that she could watch a movie or read a book without hearing someone listening to music loading in the next room. She was alone more, meaning that she could do whatever she wanted without being interrupted every 10 minutes.

She also hated the silence. While it was nice to be a in a more peaceful place, she missed the noise.
Cassie missed when her and Peter would drive around listening to music and screaming at the top of their lungs. She missed sleeping with her window open and listening to the sounds of NYC at night.
She missed when her and Wanda would cook together and listen to rock bands from the 80s and 90s.


Tony's head shot up when he heard her. He hasn't even noticed she was there.
Cassie looked at her father for a moment. His arm was in a cast and his face was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Cassie, what are you doing here?"

"What happened to you? Where is everybody?"
The British girl asked, taking a seat next to her father.

After half an hour Tony had explained to his daughter about the civil war. At first she didn't know what to feel. But when her father told her that he tried to kill Bucky.. the only thing she felt was rage.

Bucky had been there for her for as long as she could remember. He looked after her. He kept her out of harms way and made sure nothing bad would ever happen to her.

Once the older man had finished talking he handed her the phone Steve gave him. She called it immediately and ran to the next room, leaving her dad feeling guilty.

He knew how much Barnes meant to her but he was angry. However, he wasn't angry at her. If he found out his father had tried to kill Rhodey he would react the same.

Cassie threw the phone at him and walked away.

"Goodbye Tony."

Cassie made her way outside and used her abilities to open a portal to wakanda. When she was there she saw Steve and king t'challa waiting for her.

Steve pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around his waist. The two pulled away and t'challa nodded at her.

"Your friend is in here, follow me."

The two avengers walked closely behind the King of Wakanda into the building and upstairs to a lab, where her best friend sat - missing an arm.

The teen ran up to him and put her arms around his neck as he hugged her a waist, pulling her close.

"Hey doll."
The super soldier whispered into the hug.

"I missed you so much."
The young girl was already crying and her friend pulled her down to sit next to him.

"I missed you too sweetheart."
He pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

The assassins stayed like that for a moment before they caught up. Cassie told him about ultron and Pietro, which he seemed to get slightly jealous about, and Bucky told her about Bucharest and how he was going back under the ice.

The sergeant said that it was the safest thing to do, even if the winter soldier wouldn't hurt her.
But Bucky wasn't the winter soldier. And Cassie saw that more than anyone.

"When u come out I'll give you a kiss."
The girl joked, holding his hand.

"I'll hold you to that doll."
He winked, before the glass slid over his body and he froze.

She hugged Steve once again, the man was quite like a father figure to her, only he didn't try to kill people who didn't deserve it.

It would be a long time before Cassie would see her father again, and she knew that. The almost 18 year old was not a forgiving person, and was certainly one to hold grudges. She decided to not speak to her father again until Bucky came out of the ice. That way Tony could apologise to Bucky. And Bucky wouldn't feel guilty about all the things HYDRA used him to do.

After about ten minutes a woman entered the room.
"Ah, you must be the billionaires daughter."

She smiled at the woman with the strong wakandan accent.

"I am Shuri."

"Cassidy, call me Cassie."

"When do you plan on going back to Asgard?"
She questioned while tapping buttons on a screen.

"I don't know, it's really cool here. Would it be alright to stay for a few days?"
Cassie asked shyly, looking down at the floor.

"Well I guess it would be nice to have another genius around here."

The two laughed and Shuri showed the younger girl to her room. Steve had told t'challa that Cassie would want to stay with Bucky for a while so they got one ready for her.

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