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Three weeks ago Cassie kissed Natasha. They hadn't spoken since then and things went a little downhill for the both of them.

Natasha isolated herself and ignored everyone. Not actually that different from normal times.

Cassidy blamed herself for the snap. If she hadn't been crying over her dead husband, then she would have killed him by now.

She also stopped talking to people, which made it harder for her to be happy.

Normally if she decided that she wouldn't talk to or see anyone, Wanda would bake some muffins and make her watch cringy old videos that peters had recorded.

Peter would normally respect that she doesn't want to see him and simply bring her a chocolate orange or slip a piece of paper with a smiley face on it to let her know that he's here for her.

Her father would probably throw money at the problem but she only just forgave him and he didn't want to push any boundaries.

Sif would get her drunk.

Enough said about that.

Same with Valkyrie.

She simply lay in her bed. Most days not eating or sleeping.

Natasha was her only 'girl friend' who wasn't either an alcoholic or dead and the fact that she had lost that relationship crushed her.

Cassie was never one to stop and think about things. She never processed Loki's death, or her sons. She felt empty. Without a cause.

And soon she would have another baby. She was two months pregnant and without anyone to help. Of course, Tony would drop everything of there but she didn't want him to do that. Thor wasn't doing so good right now. Steve was.. a patriotic old man with a frisbee. Again, enough said about that. Bruce had enough on his plate and Clint had just lost his whole family.

She had no one to call.

So she decided to leave.

Rocket the 'not raccoon' and nebula were going with carol Danvers into space to help people on other planets. They asked of anyone wanted to go with, so she figured they would be cool with her going.

She packed a few things into a backpack and went outside to see them moving some stuff out of the jet.

"Hey Cass, what's up?"

The blonde asked after meeting eyes with the 21 year old.

"I was wondering.. could I come with you guys?"

"Of course,"

"Hope you're not as big of a dick as quill."

Rocket cut her off and Cassie chuckled before throwing her bag onto the ship.

"We're leaving in ten. Might wanna go say bye."

Carol told her. She rushed inside and hugged Steve and Bruce and said goodbye to her dad.

They were about to take off when Thor jumped on before the door closed.

"I'm coming with you."

Cassidy and Carol smirked to each other and Cassie got an idea.

"We need to stop somewhere before we leave."


"Place called new Asgard. I know someone who might wanna come with."

Short chapter sorry !! Our favourite (not cannon) ship with our favourite (not cannon) lesbian and (sort of cannon) bisexual :))


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